New Delhi (TIP): Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced a steep Rs 2,000 fine — up from the current Rs 500 — for those caught without masks, to help control the coronavirus surge that’s in its third week. The Chief Minister also appealed to all political parties and social organisations to distribute masks at public places in Delhi.
The hard line by the government came after days of pleas. As the virus rampaged across a city weakened by sliding mercury and an envelope of smoke, Kejriwal had repeatedly appealed to people with folded hands to wear masks and maintain safety norms.
But the mad rush of the festive season had prevailed, pushing the daily tally of fresh cases and fatalities to record highs each week since the beginning of November. Over the last weeks, to grapple with the surge that had once crossed the 8,000 mark, the Centre has flown in para-medical personnel and increased the number of beds in hospitals. At the press conference this afternoon, Kejriwal said arrangements are being made for over 1,400 ICU beds, “including 663 in Delhi government hospitals and 750 at Centre-run facilities”.