CHENNAI: On a day of quick developments, Tamil Nadu Governor K Rosiah Friday invited AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa to form a government, marking yet another milestone in Dravidian politics. At around 8.15am, chief minister O Panneerselvam handed over his resignation to the Governor, making way for his party chief to take over the administrative reins.
A Raj Bhavan press release issued at 8.30am by principal secretary to the Governor said he accepted the resignation of Panneerselvam and his council of ministers with effect from forenoon of May 22. “The Governor has requested the CM and his present council to function until alternative arrangements are made,” the release said.
Another press release said the Governor had invited Jayalalithaa to form the ministry at the earliest and requested her to send the list of persons to be appointed as ministers with their portfolios. The AIADMK chief is scheduled to meet Rosiah at around 2pm today to stake claim to form the government. She is likely to be sworn in as chief minister at a gala ceremony in the city on Saturday morning.
Popularly referred to as ‘caretaker CM’, this was Panneerselvam’s second stint as Tamil Nadu chief minister, both for brief periods. Around 8.15am, Panneerselvam, accompanied by the AIADMK’s core committee members, went to Raj Bhavan and handed over his resignation as per schedule, ending his nearly eight-month stint.