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Vikas Swarup is India’s new envoy to Canada

Vikas Swarup who has been MEA spokesman since 2015 is now heading to Canada as India's envoy – Photo courtesy PTI

Vikas Swarup who has been MEA spokesman since 2015 is now heading to Canada as India's envoy – Photo courtesy PTI

NEW DELHI (TIP): The Ministry of External Affairs is all set to get a new public face with its current spokesperson Vikas Swarup headed to Canada as the High Commissioner.

Gopal Baglay, Joint Secretary in charge of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan Division in the ministry, is likely to succeed Swarup. Baglay earlier served as Deputy High Commissioner in Pakistan and as Director in MEA’s External Publicity Division.

Swarup, a 1986-batch Indian Foreign Service officer, had replaced Syed Akbaruddin as the MEA spokesperson in 2015. He shot to fame when his novel Q&A was made into a Hollywood movie, ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, which won eight Oscars. He is expected to take up his new assignment shortly.

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