![Dr. V.K. Raju](https://www.theindianpanorama.news/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Dr.-V.K.-Raju.jpg)
Eminent Eye Surgeon Dr. V.K. Raju, M.D., F.R.C.S., F.A.C.S. was invited by Andhra PradeshMedical Graduates of UK (AMGR) reunion in London recently. He delivered twolectures there. One was on Presbyopia (aging eye). He said simple pair of least expensive glasses from thedrug stores is the first answer. There are many advances, like laser surgery, if you don’t want to depend on glasses. The other lecture was on thetragedy of childhood blindness: what we can do? Dr. Raju recalled that the World bank said 10 years ago that combating childhood blindness is the most costeffective health intervention in the world. There are 1.2 millionphysicians of Indian heritage all over the world. If we collaborate we canchange the health of the world. Dr. Raju gave the example of Srinu Maddula whohad corneal transplants before theage of two. He finished his doctorate in pharmacy and runs a successfulretail pharmacy company.
Dr. V.K Raju is a Morgantown, West Virginia based eye surgeon who has a passionate vision of preventing blindness among children. He is for most part of the time lecturing on eye health all over the world.
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