WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (TIP) Ashok Hemal, M.D., professor of urology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, has received the Sushruta Award from the Indian American Urological Association (IAUA).
This annual award is given to a physician who has contributed to the field of medicine or performed noteworthy charitable work.
IAUA, an affiliate organization of the American Urological Association, promotes interaction among practicing urologists and affiliated scientists of Indian origin in the United States.
Dr. Ashok K. Hemal is currently working as a Professor, at Department of Urology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, & Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest Medical School and Baptist Medical center, USA
He is also the Director of Robotics and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Wake Forest Medical School University Health Sciences and Baptist Medical center, USA.
A well renowned urologist Internationally for developing and conducting pioneering work in the field of Laparoscopic and Robotic urologic surgery, besides his unique contribution with live demonstration of endourological, laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgical procedures in over 250 conferences all across the world for disseminating the knowledge.
He has contributed several first series in the field with research focus on uro-oncology. He has been visiting professor to various top academic programs and invited to deliver over 250 guest lectures all across the world.
Dr. Hemal has 7 books and over 400 scientific papers and book chapters to his credit, published in international peer reviewed journals of high quality. He has been the recipient of many academic distinctions and awards to name a few prestigious Dr. B.C. Roy Award, UGC Hari Om Ashram award and “Padma-Shree” by the president of India.
He is also recipient of several other prestigious award such as Urologist of the Decade award, Guest Scholar of the American College of Surgeons, SIU- scholar, Fulbright scholar, and Health Hero award given by Buisness Journal USA.
He has been nominated as Best Doctor of America and Top Doctor of America and Top Prostate Cancer doctor since 2008 every year till the date. He was also featured as Top Prostate Cancer doctor of USA.
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