Since Sep-Oct 2015 I have been writing on social media that “This election is not about Trump or Republican party or Democratic party. This is about the future of every American. This is an historic, unprecedented and exciting movement as well as a fight in which Trump on behalf of the American voters has challenged; The Elite, The Power Brokers, The Lobbyist, The Billionaire Donors Club & their dubious Super PAC’s financed with dirty money, The Foreign Lobbyist like AIPAC and The Carrier Politicians like Hillary Clinton; collectively called “The ESTABLISHMENT”.
After Mr. Trump won the election:
Americans should be thankful to Mr. Trump for his enormous contribution to the future of America by putting a spotlight on the corruption in Washington D.C. Incidentally only 4% Voted for Trump from this city owned by The Elite, The Power Brokers, The Lobbyist, The Foreign Lobbyist like AIPAC, The Billionaire Donors Club & their dubious Super PAC’s financed with dirty money and The Carrier Politicians like Hillary Clinton; collectively called “The ESTABLISHMENT”.
Under Trump’s Presidency all the Americans must join to make America Great Again!
Please remember the words of Adam Smith, “No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable”. Only together we can make America Great Again. – Dave Makkar
Ashook Ramsaran, a former President of GOPIO comments: “While the results of the elections are not the outcome many of us in USA and worldwide were expecting, we Americans have high regard and respect for peaceful elections, orderly transition of power and rule of law which Hillary Clinton so selflessly espoused in her concession speech. The US constitution and the institutions provide necessary guidelines for continuity, checks and balances, and limits to prevent abuse of power. We are hopeful that the new president select wise and experienced cabinet members and advisers to instill confidence and address the many urgent domestic and international issues at hand”.
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