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Indian Americans Romesh and Sunil Wadhwani launch a non Profit artificial intelligence center in Mumbai

Make Artificial Intelligence in India, Make Artificial Intelligence Work for India: PM Modi

The mission of the institute is to be a hub for collaborations between AI scientists from top global institutions, social-impact organizations, and governments by creating and curating high-quality open-access datasets to foster innovation.

TIP: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 18th  inaugurated the Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence on the Kalina campus of the Mumbai University.

The Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence, a nonprofit independent research institute that aims at developing AI technologies for social gain, will help improve productivity and lead to equitable development, said Modi during his speech.

Founded by Indian American tech entrepreneurs Romesh and Sunil Wadhwani, the institute will work in domains of societal importance, including agriculture, health, education and infrastructure.

 “With each wave of new technology, new opportunities arise,” said Modi. “It opens an entirely new paradigm of opportunities. New opportunities have always outnumbered old ones.”

“This optimism spells from my firm faith in the ancient Indian thinking that blended science and spirituality and found harmony between the two for the greater good of mankind,” he added.

The institute is the first of its kind in India that focuses on further developments in artificial intelligence and is supported by the state government of Maharashtra.

The institute will have 10 data scientists from across the world in the initial stage.

The mission of the institute is to be a hub for collaborations between AI scientists from top global institutions, social-impact organizations, and governments by creating and curating high-quality open-access datasets to foster innovation.

The research team at the Wadhwani Institute is collaborating with MIT, Stanford, University of Southern California, NYU, University of Washington, CMU, Alan Turing Institute, IIT Bombay, IIT Madras and IIT Delhi, among other institutions.

In addition to providing space for the institute, the Government of Maharashtra has also offered to provide a test bed for piloting our projects.

“The institute will develop AI-based solutions to serve the bottom 20% of society. Unique initiative!” tweeted CEO of Niti Aayog Amitabh Kant.




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