The Eye Foundation of America extended its crusade for a World without Childhood Blindness when it reached out to Guatemala, a nation in Central America which has a population of 18 million. A study for the eye health of people in Central America says: “Blindness prevention programs should focus on accessibility to eye examinations, cataract surgeries, control of infectious studies, and spectacles distribution.”. From April 20 to 23, 2023, EFA took the first step of examining eyes.
The Eye Foundation of America held eye examination camps at four locations in Guatemala and examined 256 patients from April 20 to April 23, 2023. Dr. V. K Raju, an eminent ophthalmologist based in Morgantown, West Virginia who founded the Eye Foundation of America some four decades ago, with a mission to rid the world of childhood blindness, conducted the eye examination, and identified around 72 cases of Cataract and other eye problems. Surgery for cataract is likely to take place in October, according to India’s Ambassador to Guatemala Mr. Manoj Mohapatra who was instrumental in organizing the camps in cooperation with the local government authorities.
Prof. Indrajit Saluja, publisher and editor of The Indian Panorama coordinated between the Eye Foundation of America and the Indian Embassy in Guatemala. The eye examination camps are being seen as India’s efforts at extending a friendly hand to Guatemala in the field of medical care. India is already extending support to Guatemala in pharmaceuticals.
Prof. Indrajit Saluja, editor and publisher of The Indian Panorama who is an ardent supporter of the Eye Foundation of America and who was instrumental in bringing Dr Raju and Ambassador Manoj Mohapatra together for the eye examination projects, accompanied Dr. V.K. Raju.
Ambassador Manoj Mohapatra hosted a breakfast meeting at which Dr. V.K. Raju was introduced to local Rotarians Mr. Kenneth Ordoñez and Ms. Diana Brown, and Dr. Edgar Lopez.
Introducing Dr. Raju, Prof. Indrajit Saluja said: “He has been running the Eye Foundation of America for four decades. He is an eminent ophthalmologist, much honored and awarded. He has been organizing eye camps in Africa, in India, and in India’s neighboring countries like Nepal and Bangladesh.
Dr. Raju keeps reminding everyone that 80% of our learning comes through vision. See how important vision is. Dr. VK Raju shared his thoughts with the group. He emphasizes the need of 3 wills- political will, professional will and people’s will. If they join things will happen. Otherwise, yes, a little tidbit happens, and you put it into newspapers and all that, but really nothing happens.
Dr. Raju also pointed out the need to have local surgeons to perform surgery. Ambassador Mohapatra spoke about a doctor from New York who visits Guatemala routinely to provide medical assistance here. He said the local people assist him and he is doing a god job. He said he was certain that once Dr. Raju is known in Guatemala people will come forward to assist him. For now, the ambassador said he would ensure initial assistance and help is provided to the Eye Foundation of America. The ambassador spoke about the cooperation he secured for the eye camps from the local municipalities.
Dr. VK Raju examining patients.Dr. Raju, himself a Rotarian and an admirer of Rotary ethics, appreciated the commitment of the Rotary Club in Guatemala to provide all assistance and help in organizing the next camps at which Dr. Raju will be directing surgery on the patients identified at the initial eye examination camps. He thanked Rotarians Ms. Diana Brown and Mr. Kenneth Ordonez, who were present for a discussion at the breakfast hosted by Ambassador Mohapatra on April 19, 2023.
Another gentleman who Dr. Raju thanked profusely is Dr Edgar Lopez who promised to stand by the Eye Foundation of America in all its efforts to fulfil its mission to have a world without childhood blindness.
Dr. VK Raju told The Indian Panorama that his visit to Guatemala could not have taken place without the cooperation of H. E. Manoj Mohapatra, India’s ambassador to Guatemala who engaged with the local Rotary Club and the local government to extend support to the project.
He also expressed his gratitude to the majors of Tecpan, Chiquimula, and Flores, and the Congresswoman of Puerto Barrios, and her young daughter who is seeking election to Congress for their great help.
Dr. Raju expressed his appreciation for the volunteers at each camp location who gave their best. The interpreters did a fantastic job facilitating a dialogue between the doctor and the patients.
Dr. Raju had special thanks reserved for the Ambassador’s social secretary Raul and Danny at the wheels of the vehicle who extended assistance ungrudgingly all through the long trips over four days.
Above all, Dr. Raju said, he was grateful to the patients who came in large numbers and waited patiently for their turn to be examined. He said he would love to see them on a follow up visit.