Ashley Sharpton, on May 27, endorsed Eric Adams for mayor

NEW YORK (TIP):  Prominent activist and community leader Ashley Sharpton, on May 27, endorsed Eric Adams for mayor outside the historic National Action Network headquarters in Harlem. “Eric Adams has been consistent in showing up and taking action against injustice no matter who it is. We are electing a mayor at a very crucial time in this city and in this country where we are coming out of a pandemic where so many New Yorkers are broken mentally, spiritually, financially, and physically. We need a visionary who is not afraid to take the necessary steps to revive New York back into the thriving city it can be,” said civil rights activist Ashley Sharpton. “From education, public safety, homelessness, mental health reform, and health and wellness, Eric Adams is the transformative leader who can execute his vision and implement change Borough by Borough. He has the courage, the work ethic, the strategy, the honesty, the record, the reach, the voice, and the heart to lead New York back to better, and he is the candidate who doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk.”

“Ashley is here endorsing me today because she knows that I am the only candidate in this race with the experience to keep New York safe and fight for justice–because I have been there and done it before,” Brooklyn Borough President Adams said. “As mayor I will continue this fight and uplift every New Yorker by looking out for their civil rights, their city, and their future.”

Adams has also been endorsed by 32BJ SEIU; ATU Locals 726, 1056, 1179, and 1181; CSEA Local 1000; DC37; the Hotel Trades Council; OPEIU Local 153; PEF; TWU Local 100; the Uniform Fire Officers Association, and UNITE HERE Local 100, as well as more than 50 current and former elected officials, including Borough Presidents Ruben Diaz Jr. and Donovan Richards; Representatives Adriano Espaillat and Tom Suozzi; State Senators Joe Addabbo, Jr.,  Andrew Gounardes, Roxanne Persaud, James Sanders, and Diane Savino; Assembly Members Peter Abbate, Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn, Carmen de la Rosa, Inez Dickens, Erik Dilan, Charles Fall, Alicia Hyndman, Stacey Pheffer Amato, Jenifer Rajkumar, José Rivera, Clyde Vanel, and Jaime Williams; City Council Members Adrienne Adams, Alicka Ampry-Samuel, Diana Ayala, Justin Brannan, Selvena Brooks-Powers, Laurie Cumbo, Darma Diaz, Oswald Feliz, Peter Koo, Farah Louis, Alan Maisel, I. Daneek Miller, Francisco Moya, and Ydanis Rodriguez; former State Comptroller Carl McCall; former Representatives Charlie Rangel and Ed Towns; former Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer, as well as former Assembly Members Karim Camara and the late Aurelia Greene.

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