MINEOLA, NY (TIP): Nassau University Medical Center is quickly running out of the money needed to operate, a situation that demands immediate and focused attention. Instead of addressing this, County Executive Blakeman has decided to engage in political theatrics that serve no purpose other than to distract from his administration’s failures. County Executive Blakeman’s choice to pursue this lawsuit over the welfare of Nassau County’s residents is a dereliction of duty. His job is to serve the taxpayers of this county, not to engage in costly and unnecessary legal fights on issues that distract from his fundamental responsibilities. I am baffled that County Executive Blakeman is standing idly by while his appointed hospital chair is declining $83 million in emergency State funding that could save the hospital in exchange for common sense reforms. This mistake puts every taxpayer on the hook for nearly $120 million in hospital debt Nassau County has guaranteed. It’s time for the County Executive to cease his grandstanding and begin the work he was elected to do—focusing on the urgent needs of our community and ensuring the stability of the County’s only safety net healthcare system.
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