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Queens BP Donovan Richards dwells on Covid and development in his first State of the Borough address

Queens Borough President Donovan Richards delivers his first State of the Borough address virtually from the Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI) in Astoria on Wednesday, March 3.

QUEENS, NY (TIP): Queens Borough President Donovan Richards delivered his first State of the Borough address,  March 3, putting forth a comprehensive package of proposals to address the immediate public health and economic crises facing Queens while also looking toward a post-pandemic borough built on a foundation of equity across the spectrum for all our families. The text of the address, as prepared for delivery, can be found here.

Below is a detailed breakdown of initiatives outlined by Borough President Richards in his address, including some that have already launched over the course of the Richards Administration’s first 100 days.


Economic Development



Hate Crimes

Immigrant Welcome Center


Community Boards/Appointments

Watch the video of the BP’s address.

Follow the Office of the Queens Borough President via @QnsBPRichards on Twitter and @QueensBPRichards on Facebook and Instagram

(Based on a press release)

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