The Indian American Action Group Launched

NEW YORK (TIP): Indian American Action Group” (IAAG), a bipartisan movement was launched, October 13,  by a group of prominent Indian Americans. These individuals have achieved positions of leadership across a broad range of professions, have served their communities selflessly and have been champions of change. Based on U.S. Census statistics, the Indian American community has grown over 100 percent in the last decade, continuously outpacing every other ethnic group along socio-economic dimensions. Yet, we lack a strong voice to achieve outcomes that matter to the four million strong Indian American community.

The Indian American Action Group has three primary objectives it seeks to accomplish:

  1. Ensure that the voices of the Indian American community are represented at all levels of the government. To further this, we aim to provide support to Indian American political candidates at the federal, state, and local levels by fund raising, get out to vote campaigns and provide strategic and tactical assistance. We will also promote and support non-Indian American, visionary, progressive and inclusive leaders who have proven their commitment to the values and interest of the Indian American community. IAAG recognizes that great democracies depend on new and bold ideas and our future political leaders that need our support today.
  2. We recognize that two of the world’s greatest democracies share a lot in common, but it must first begin with a focus on people-centric and people-driven relations between the two governments. This is highlighted in matters of homeland security and marching in solidarity for India’s sovereignty at its borders. India has entered the 21st century with a bang, attaining new levels of innovation and enterprise. The innovation of technology centric companies, fueled by the large talent pool of Indian professionals has reinforced the US leadership position in technology and innovation. Sustaining this leadership requires championing judicious immigrations laws, respect for our faith and religious beliefs, and an inclusive immigration and civic experience for all.

India is one of the world’s oldest civilizations and its rich culture and traditions are legendary. Much of this, regrettably, has been overshadowed and distorted by a powerful anti-Indian messaging machine on social media and mainstream media. IAAG will work towards establishing a positive narrative and discourse, by undertaking education campaigns. We will engage the broader audience to highlight the richness of our birth nation, address misunderstandings and misinterpretations and showcase our contributions in all areas of civic engagement, business leadership and social causes.

Indians in the US have permeated the established power bastions that for immigrants can often be virtually impenetrable. We are at the dawn of a politic awakening and civic engagement within our community and IAAG will harness and leverage this strength to shape the national dialogue for Indian Americans and its future generations.

(Press Release)

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