LONG ISLAND, NY (TIP): May 18,2024 was celebrated as “Rotary Day of Service” by several Rotary Clubs around the nation and internationally. The celebration is by doing different humanitarian projects.
“Blood Donation” is a unique project where every human being can help save a life without spending a single penny. One person donating blood saves three human lives. The impact of “Blood Donation” is three-fold.
The Rotary Club of North Shore is only 7 months young, but they aim high and have a great team.
The President of the club Dr. Mamta Shaha expressed her vision of making May 18, as a “World Rotary day of Blood Donation” in future. She did reach out to Rotary Clubs around District 7255, 3132 and 3030.
The project chair Mona Gohil, P R chair Gunjan Rastogi and President Mamta Shaha donated blood along with other volunteers at the NY Blood Center in New Hyde Park, NY
The total blood donations on May 18,2024 at this center as given by the NY Blood Center in New Hyde Park, NY
Whole Blood Donations: 28
Double Red Cell Donations: 8 units from 2 donors
Platelet donations: 20 units from 9 donors
Double Red Cell and Platelet combined donations: 3 units from 1 donor
Total lives saved-177 just in one day!!
You can see the impact of this project just at one center!!
There cannot be any project as powerful and impactful in saving human lives as donating blood.
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