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America Needs to Introspect

246 years since 1776. I celebrate the journey of the greatest nation on the Earth. Proud of the vision and the farsightedness of the founding fathers who created institutions which have given strength to each individual and the nation. 4th of July is a day to celebrate the gifts. It is the day of independence from the British rule. It is a day of the birth of the United States of America. I rejoice. I am happy to be celebrating the 246th birthday of the nation of the free and the brave.

America has achieved much to be proud of in the long haul of 246 years. Today, it is the only superpower of the world. Its military might is unchallengeable. The strongest nation of the world, it is in a position to dictate the world. A world leader in almost every sphere, it creates awe among nations and peoples. A protector of human rights, America has often taken up the cause of the oppressed , and waged relentless wars. A generous nation, America has rushed relief and aid to those in suffering and in need. Yes, there is no nation like America.

However, it is not that America is perfect. They say there is always room for improvement. I will add there always is need for improvement. No doubt, our founding fathers created the best institutions to take care of the people and the nation, yet there always is scope to add strength to them.

Take, for example, the idea of equality. Can one say there is no inequality? Discrimination. Can one say American society is free from the malaise of discrimination? Racial discrimination is the worst that America is suffering from. The North and the South are still lingering. America needs to “improve upon” the laws.

The right to bear arms is a welcome right. But when guns become a danger to lives of innocent people, Americans must consider “improving upon” the laws.

On this 4th of July, I appeal to all -Democrats and Republicans; Left and Right, to take a good look at the issues which are creating divisions and unhappiness of the American people, and in a spirit of brotherhood, tackle them for the sake of the American nation. We know from history how nations have been destroyed by fratricidal conflicts. We don’t want them. We don’t want it to happen to America. All we want is a strong America and happy Americans. On this 4th of July, let us recall the pledge our founding fathers took: “We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor”,and live by it, as an expression of our gratitude to them, and as our commitment to America- “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

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