Quad or AUKUS – India needs to review its involvement in blocs

The interests of the US and India find convergence on the issue of threats to the two countries from terrorists in Pak supported Afghanistan. US may be worried Afghanistan could become a source of another 9/11. India, already being harassed by Pakistan in Kashmir, is naturally concerned with the emergence of the Mullah power in Afghanistan  It is a good reason for the two countries to come closer because of the recent developments in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s efforts to seek control of the government in Afghanistan via the Haqqani group that Pakistan has supported and promoted over decades.

US has always needed allies to fight its battles and protect its interests. China is the main challenger to America’s economic and military power. America must contain China. India fits into the American scheme. India has a long history of border dispute with China. Again, China is supportive of India’s sworn enemy- Pakistan. Weakening of China will mean weakening of Pakistan. India may also be viewing China as too formidable an economic power to allow India to have the kind of influence it is eying to have in the region. So, India will support any nation or group of nations which might checkmate China.

We know of traditional rivalry between China and Japan. As for Australia, it is a country living in fear of being overwhelmed by China. So, with support coming from. the US, the neighboring economic giant Japan and a willing collaborator India, Australia hopes to keep China on the leash. We only hope India will weigh coolly what is in its best interests, and not become a pawn in the hands of the individual nations or blocs.

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