On the occasion of the 68th Independence Day of India, I congratulate the Indian community based in US and convey my greetings and best wishes to the readers of The Indian Panorama.It is an important occasion for us to remember those who sacrificed their lives for the Indian freedom take stock of our accomplishments and shortfalls and implement our vision of a peaceful and prosperous nation keen to play its role on the world stage.

Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay Consul General of India, New York
In the last 67 years, India has indeed come a long way and made its mark on the contemporary world. With its regular elections since 1952 and successful transfers of power, it has established an unmatched legacy as the largest democracy of the world. By achieving self-sufficiency in food production, increasing standard of living of people, providing health and education and creating social and economic infrastructure, the country has made great strides.
In our ever complex and increasingly challenging global environment, India with its strong heritage and equally strong capabilities has been playing an important role on the world stage. Whether it is peace keeping operations of the UN or technical assistance under its development partnership program (ITEC), India has never hesitated in assuming her responsibilities towards both international and regional partners.
In this endeavour, it has also been proactively cooperative with the major countries of the world and built strategic partnerships both at bilateral and multilateral levels. Vis-a-vis US, our relations are improving by leaps and bounds. Numerous joint working groups such as on nuclear cooperation, space cooperation, cyber security, counter-terrorism, science & technology, health and education are engaged in improving bilateral partnership.
Our trade relations have crossed $ 100 billion mark, mutual investment continues to grow rapidly, presence of Indian diaspora is creating new imprint and hundred thousand odd Indian students are laying the foundation of stronger relationship for the future. The Indian diaspora needs a special mention on this occasion.
Overcoming formidable multiple challenges, over 4 million people of Indian origin have already created a strong impression in the US. Their contributions in the fields of economic, culture, education, health and medical services, media and IT industry have been commendable. On this auspicious occasion, let us take a pledge to build a stronger partnership between India and US and also participate proactively in building a brighter future for our motherland, India.

Ashoke K Mukerji Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations

Iwould like to congratulate The Indian Panorama for bringing a special issue of The Indian Panorama on the occasion of the India’s 67th Independence Day. As an Indian American State Legislator in New jersey, I want to join you in recognizing the contributions of nearly 25 million nonresident Indians around the world and in particular, the growing impact the Indian Diaspora is having in North America on this occasion. I am quite hopeful that India under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership will rise to greater heights.
India has a great opportunity to be a world leader through its participation in promoting democratic principles. I take great pride of my heritage and my gratitude to mother India for giving the opportunity to get a decent education. I am also very happy that Indian economy has come a long way in economic development and its geo-political importance. As a New Jersey legislator, I am constantly looking for opportunities to promote trade between New Jersey and India. I would like to thank you for publishing articles on NRI issues, including NRIs’ contribution to India and various countries of their adoption.

It gives me great pleasure to know that region’s premier newspaper The Indian Panorama is bringing out an illustrated special issue to mark the 67th anniversary of India’s Independence. It is a thoughtful and appropriate attempt to focus on India’s struggles for freedom and subsequent struggle to strengthen roots of democracy and achieve the rightful place in comity of nations.
From an impoverished nation, where enough food grains were not available when India got her freedom in 1947, in 67 years she has grown in to a country which is self sufficient in food and aspires to compete with the developed world, projected to be one of the three major economic powers in the next few years. The 1.2 billion Indians are a strong work force, of which more than 35% are young. It is this human capital which combined with material wealth can put India in to number one position in the world.
I might just as well congratulate my Indian American friends for their singular contribution to this country and to their home country. They have built bridges between the to great democracies of the world, with the result that India and US enjoy a unique strategic partnership. The untiring effort of the Indian American community to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage in an altogether different cultural milieu is indeed laudable and the institutions and individuals, including media which are involved in this gigantic task deserve to be remembered and appreciated on this occasion. I wish all Indian Americans a happy Independence Day and congratulate The Indian Panorama for bring out a commemorative issue.

Ashok Kumar Garg Chief Executive, US Operations Bank of Baroda, New York
Iam delighted to know that ‘The Indian Panorama’ is bringing out a special issue on the occasion of India’s Independence Day on 15th August 2014. On behalf of Bank of Baroda, I extend warm greetings to one and all Indians in America. The Independence gained 67 years ago from the British Empire did more than just establish a new nation.
It endeavored to bring freedom and opportunity to the common man; to the peasants and workers of India; to fight and end poverty and ignorance and disease; to build up a prosperous, democratic and progressive nation, and to create social, economic and political institutions which will ensure justice and fullness of life to every man and woman. Indo – US bilateral relationship is now poised to achieve great heights of mutual benefit to both the nations.
The Indian diaspora in USA has become an integral part of the multi cultural identity of this great country and continue to uphold and preserve the ethical values, tradition and the principles of democracy. Bank of Baroda is honored to join in the Indian Independence Day celebrations and exhort all, to come together in combining with the spirit of America to achieve dreams and aspirations of the citizens of both countries.
In this great land of opportunities, where ideas are accepted and allowed to fructify, let us pledge to make other’s life comfortable. I once again convey the greetings and best wishes from Bank of Baroda to the readers of Indian Panorama on this auspicious and happy occasion.

Pramoda Kumar Pattanaik Chief Executive Bank of India, US Operation
It gives me great pleasure to know that region’s premier newspaper “The Indian Panorama “is bringing out an illustrated special issue to mark the 67th anniversary of India’s Independence. It is a thoughtful and appropriate attempt to remember the supreme sacrifice to achieve freedom and subsequent struggle to strengthen the roots of democracy and achieve the rightful place in comity of nations.
In the last 67 years after independence, it has come a long way surpassing many hurdles, challenges and crisis and now forging ahead to compete with the developed world, projected to be one of the three major economic powers in the next few years. With more than 1.2 billion of people, it is now the largest democracy in the world. Rich demographic dividend in the form of younger population will now be our prime trigger for growth.
Coupled with this, India’s bourgeoning middle class, tech savvy, skilled, educated and English speaking youths are adding to its strength to make it a force to reckon with. We, at Bank of India, are contributing our bit to accelerate the process of India becoming an economic superpower. I wish all Indian Americans a happy Independence Day and congratulate “The Indian Panorama” for bring out a commemorative issue.

Saleem Iqbal President & CEO HAB BANK, New York
On behalf of HAB BANK, I would like to extend our Independence Day greetings to Indian American community in the tri-state area. As we celebrate India’s Independence sixty eights years ago, we can take pride in our achievements as a community in the U.S. despite the challenges that lie ahead. We have, in a short span of time, been able to establish ourselves as a vibrant community engaged at so many levels, culturally and economically, and determined to pursue our American dream of achieving success in our adopted homeland.
HAB BANK, since is inception in 1983 as a New York State chartered bank, has played a vital role in nurturing communities through its network of branches in New York, New Jersey, and California. We are proud to be the first bank in the U.S. solely focused on meeting and serving the banking needs of South Asian community.
We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Indian American community for their unwavering support since our inception. We are honored to join in celebrating India’s Independence Day celebration and reaffirm our Bank’s commitment to South Asian community in the U.S.
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