Those early patriots may have come from different backgrounds and different walks of life, but they were united by a belief in a simple truth that we are all created equal, that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But our success is only possible because we have never treated those self-evident truths as self-executing. Generations of Americans have marched, organized, petitioned, fought, and even died to extend those rights to others, to widen the circle of opportunity for others, and to perfect this Union we love so much. The Fourth of July is a time to rejoice in this success, which has inspired all who seek to break the shackles of totalitarian rule and breathe in the life-giving air of liberty. Happy Fourth of July to all! May this day be a symbol of peace, prosperity, and happiness in your lives. God bless America and the people who live here!