My mom is my hero, my teacher and my leader

Bina Sabapathy (left) with her mother.

Bina Sabapathy,Mother & Grandmother

My mother is a god given gift to me. I cannot imagine my life without my mom. In every child’s life both parents are very important, but a mother carries a baby in her womb for nine months, and the bond that is created during those nine months makes her more special than anyone else in the world. She is child’s first seen God, and she is the one called first for any help. My mom is a Stage 3 cancer survivor of 45 years. I never thought my mom will make it out with cancer in those days, but she is a fighter. She fought with cancer like a warrior, and sure that she is a God given gift to me. My mom is a housewife. Like all other mothers, she is a hardworking, loving, and caring person. But she is very strong-minded and determined. I am grateful for how she molded me into a fine, young, talented, and independent lady. I am who I am today because of my mom.

My mom taught me how to be rock solid during any rough time and melt like butter when seeing a less fortunate person. I owe my mom for instilling good values and passing on her looks to me. She taught me the importance of education and the courage to fight for what is right.

My mom is my hero, my teacher and my leader. I look to her for guidance on any of my problems. My mother has seen and experienced many tragedies in her life, including losing her husband, only brother, and only son at a very young age. She faced all that hardship and unexpected turns in her life as a challenge without any complaint. My mom has the art of putting a smile on anyone’s face with her sweet and soothing words.

My mom is 86+years and I thank God for having her in my life, and I truly am blessed. I pray to God if there is a life after death, I would love to take birth again and again as daughter to my mother. On this Mother’s Day, I wish my mom nothing but happiness and a long healthy life. To all the Mothers, Grandmothers, Great Grandmothers and soon-to-be Mothers—wish you a very Happy, Magical and Safe Mother’s Day.

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