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We love her so much and cherish all the time we have been granted to spend with her

Daughters with mother.  Kanta Malik (mother) is seated. Standing (L to R): Sadhana Bajaj, Sandhya Budhraja, Sujata Seth.

Sadhana Bajaj, Sandhya Budhraja, Sujata Seth

 Our mother Kanta Malik is almost 90 years old. She married our father Satish Malik and raised three beautiful daughters, Sadhana, Sandhya and Sujata of whom I am the youngest.

It’s hard to concisely describe a soul such as hers in just a few short words. Several come to mind. I can start with captivating. She adores singing and her voice is otherworldly. She has a powerful range and keen memory with an encyclopedia of music brewing in her brain.

Humility and Peace Loving is another one of her finer traits. Never one to boast and never one to stir up a peaceful scenario and/or a relationship, she goes with the flow always smilingly.

When she’s in between her daily routines, you can often catch her humming or singing a classic old Indian song or hymn or mantra. God bless her

We love her so much and cherish all the time we have been granted to spend with her.

 Posting this article with her picture in The Indian Panorama is such a cute way to wish our blessed mom a very very Happy Mother’s Day!

NANIMA as we all lovingly call her;May you live long and enjoy seeing your grandkids settle down in their lives and be there to bless them. LOVE YOU!!

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