Independence Day, 4th of July, means to us like Diwali and Baisakhi celebrations.
Canton, Mississippi
Photo by Brian Johnson
Readers celebrate 4th of July
Readers of The Indian Panorama across America have sent in their thoughts on the American Independence Day. We thank them for their valuable thoughts and take pleasure in sharing them with the larger The Indian Panorama family. Happy 4th of July!
We enjoy friends and family company with sumptuous meals, fireworks and watch
Parades on TV. on 4th of July while thanking Almighty God and men like Thomas Jefferson, John A dams, Benjamin Franklin, James Monroe and Richard Henry Lee for their efforts and sacrifices to free thirteen colonies from British King George III rule and slavery and then bring those thirteen colonies together as United States of America.
We, as a family thank America’s forefathers for instituting free enterprise system and that meant—the harder we worked, the luckier we got.
We have enjoyed every Fourth of July through 2018 while thanking the Almighty God and men who built United States of America. We thank American people who are giving and forgiving more than people in Pakistan, India and Canada. However, last two and half years led me to pause and feel that we as people of this great country are on a path of self- destruction like India did after King Asoka Dynasty, Roman Empire and British Empire.
Unfortunately, we are trashing America and the great forefathers like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln just because they could have made some mistakes in the process of freeing thirteen colonies from British rule and slavery yoke and then put the colonies together as a great nation-United States of America.
In my opinion it is high time for all of us to step back and see if we can find one perfect soul on earth beside the Almighty God.
We will continue to pray to “Almighty God to bless America, the great” and bless us with grace and sense not to trash America and the great men who built this country.
We wish you a happy Fourth of July and God’s Mercy on each of you.
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