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Ring out the Old; Ring in the New

As the year 2020 comes to a close , we bring to readers of The Indian Panorama a history capsule of the year. We, at The Indian Panorama, diligently scanned momentous events  which have had tremendous impact on our lives. Some changed even the course of history, and destinies of individuals and nations.  We have taken from various sources, who we must acknowledge and express our gratitude to, for best and most informative and educative articles ever published, which we are publishing for the readers of The Indian Panorama in this special edition.

We lay no claim to have covered every single event or every  geographical region or every area of human activity, but we have essayed to capsule the history of 2020. We do want , though, to cover more ground next year. Take out a few minutes and send in your comments to us at Your input will be very helpful in coming up with a better publication in 2022.


Happy New Year!

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