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The Murky Business of Citations and Proclamations

By Dave Makkar

“An elected Representative of a State or Municipality can get a Citation or Proclamation for a contribution to his/her election fund. These representatives do not have to understand the cause, history or purpose or how these Citations will be used by an individual or an organization in USA or in India.”

Indian community organizations and its owners/leaders are quick to grab any opportunity that can bring money to them and undue recognition to a person or event that may not be of any benefit to the community living in USA. The latest fad is getting Citations and  Proclamations for individuals including themselves like community service,  or to visiting Religious Gurus from India or for celebrations of an event in a state of USA.

For years, a  number of India Day Parades are organized in various parts of USA with  additions  of more joining this rat race. If we take a quick look the only purpose of these Parades is to make a quick name as well as quick money,  or monetary favors for the organizers or to dispense monetary favors to the favorite vendors; with the least amount of effort,  as well as a chance for them to be close to Bollywood celebrities, local officials and politicians. In nutshell, none of these organizations have anything to do with the rich culture and traditions of India or its 30 states or its religious diversity. All they do is parade themselves, their families, friends, vendors, Bollywood stars, local officials and US politicians in these “Insult India Parades”. Some of them being paraded have taken Political Asylum in USA by labeling India as a tormentor state and some are of Pakistani origin.

The other murky business that Indian organizations and its owners/leaders love is conferring  “Lifetime Achievement Awards” on  individuals for picking up the full or partial tab of the event as w donation to their organization. Basically , this award is given to an individual for taking care of his own business and family!

Yet another manifestation of the murky business for last 3-4 years is  getting Citations or Proclamations and it has been  spreading very fast in America. An elected Representative of a State or Municipality can get a Citation or Proclamation for a contribution to his/her election fund. These representatives do not have to understand the cause, history or purpose or how these Citations will be used by an individual or an organization in USA or in India. Till 2020 most popular  Citation was for a community service to an individual or organization or for an event organized in honor of a visiting religious Guru from India.

A new chapter on Nov. 28, 2021 was added to this murky business of Citations by  Sunil Hali & Nilesh Dasondi the Publisher & CEO of “The Indian Eye” by getting a Citation to the movie maker of The Kashmir Files from  Mayor Thomas Lankey of Edison in New Jersey. This duo did the marketing of the film as “Truth Unfold” when in the very first scene of the TKF there is a Disclaimer: “Based on Fiction.”. Even if one looked  into the background of Vivek Agnihotri the maker of TKF; he has  mostly made C-grade erotica and D-grade propaganda films only. He uses the following trick throughout the movie: he lures you with facts — such as the horrific exodus of Kashmiri Pandits — then distorts reality, mocks it, throws around  some facts, distorts them, and so on. TKF is nothing but ‘hatred, bigotry and untruth made to demonize Muslims & promote radical Hindutva as preached by Modi, BJP, RSS, VHP & other radical organizations. Hindutva has nothing to do with Hinduism.

Not  to be left behind, FIA (Federation of Indian Associations) also got a Citation for film maker Agnihotri on Dec 9, 2022 from Rhode Island by using the services of Rep. Brian Kennedy for his yet to be worldwide release film “The Kashmir Files.” Eventually the film was released on March 11, 2022 in India and other countries.

In Dec 2021, Ohio State Senator Niraj Antani a Modi sympathizer also got a Citation from Ohio state for the film maker Vivek Agnihotri for his yet to be publicly released  film, “TKF”.

There are 2 more  recent examples that these Citations or Proclamations are easily available:

  1. Sikh Independence Citation: State of Connecticut General Assembly recognize April 29th as 36th Anniversary of “The Declaration of Sikh Independence”…!! The Consulate has expressed displeasure over the Citation congratulating on Sikh Declaration of Independence. The same Consulate never objected to film maker Agnihotri getting multiple Citations…!!

  1. Darshan Day Proclamation: Mayor of Mckinney City in Texas (USA) gave a Proclamation on the request of Mahesh Chamaria of Hindu Swayamsevak Singh (HSS) aka RSS declaring April 30th, 2022 as “DARSHAN DAY” for Photo Exhibition showing Hindu History…!!

Agnihotri received the Citations in Nov. & Dec. 2021 and he along with Hindu Organizations and BJP’s IT cell extensively used them in India and worldwide to promote his film KTF that was finally released on 630 screens on March 11, 2022 but later on it was increased to 4,000 screens after India’s PM Modi , the main actor of 2002 Muslim massacre in Gujarat; himself praised the film for “bringing out the truth” and “presenting history in its correct perspective” before the country since this has been long “suppressed” by the “poori jamaat” (entire group).

A hate movie with a disclaimer “WORK OF FICTION”  marketed as real story “TRUTH UNFOLD”: made with a sole purpose to demonize Muslims intended to arouse  the feelings of one community against another, and cash on the sentiment. The Kashmir Files box office collection in 31 Days: Rs. 331 Cr with the Endorsement of  MODI, Top Brass of BJP, RSS, VHP, other fringe Hindu organizations, entire  BJP ruled state govt.’s  Machinery, Tax Free status & BJP IT cell promoting it 24×7. In the Indian State of Madhya Pradesh,  the Chief Minister granted half-day paid leave to policemen to watch the film. Fanatic Hindu Organizations, individual leaders arranged Free Shows in India & Indian Embassy’s & Consulates doing PR in Foreign countries AND Free Shows, transport & snacks in USA has helped Vivek Agnihotri to make millions of Dollars from TKF based on ‘Hatred, bigotry and untruth’ to demonize Kashmiri Muslims…!! On the other hand, without any kind of help that was given to TKF or by demonizing a particular community; an ENTERTAINER: RRR collected over Rs 900 Cr in 11 days in box office collections……!!

On March 14, 2022; Agnihotri Tweeted along with the Citation received from Rhode Island via FIA on Dec 9, 2021, “Historic- First time in 32years any state in the world, the democratic liberal state of USA – Rhode Island, has officially recognized Kashmiri Genocide due to a small film. Pl read and decide who is the Prosecutor and who should get Punishment. This is #NewIndia.

On March 15, 2022, a US based independent Kashmiri journalist Naik, spoke to the staffer of RI’s speaker of the House K. Joseph Shekarchi, He responded that “Speaker Shekarchi was not aware of this citation that was requested by Rep. Brian Kennedy in off-session. It is not official position of the House. All citations requested by House members carry the pre-printed names of the Speaker and the two leaders.”

Representative Brian Patrick Kennedy wrote in a statement to Naik: “I was contacted in December 2021 by an Indian-American from East Greenwich who is involved with the Federation of Indian Organizations of New England regarding securing a citation for Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri for the premiere of his film “The Kashmir Files” that was being presented at Rhode Island College on Dec. 9, 2021.” “The description (written on Citation) was provided in the press information that was provided by the same Indian that had contacted me.”

“The citation from the State was to simply recognize the premiere of this movie. I have not met the director nor was I present to view the movie. A citation is simply the acknowledgement of a special event. It does NOT hold the weight of a Resolution approved by the members of the House. This citation was strictly given to the movie director for the premiere of his movie. It is nothing more and it is NOT an endorsement of the State of Rhode Island and the House of Representatives.” On March 30, 2022, Organiser Weekly reported that “British Parliament invites film maker Vivek Agnihotri to speak about the plight of Kashmiri Hindus.”

This writer got a written reply from British House of Commons on April 4, 2022 that “we are not aware of any invitation by the House of Commons to the film maker.”

Pathetically,  in Tri-state area media  promoted a work of Fiction as “Truth Unfold”. Publisher & CEO of a publication himself  promoted the film to support Islamophobia in India and spread it among the Indian American community. Media outlets seem to have forgotten the basic principle of journalism that journalism is to educate and galvanize public with hard-hitting accuracy for holding those in power accountable for their actions. They seem to be working as wholly owned subsidiary of Sudarshan TV, India in promoting half-truth and lies.

Through the Indian Panorama’s especially its Publisher Prof. Saluja’s gracious efforts to honor “Freedom of Expression” I make an humble appeal to the Indian American community living in USA; Please write to your state, county and municipal representatives to STOP this corrupt practice of issuing Citations & Proclamations for personal agenda and self-publicity.

(Dave Makkar is a social activist)

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