Swanky furniture alone won’t add style and vibrancy to your living room. Here are four simple ways to add colour and style to your living room
Colorful cushions
Cushions in different bright colors add much life to your living room. And add comfort factor to it. The most comfortable sofas and chairs also need cushions. So, have them generously in your living room. You can also have some floor cushions so that on a lazy Sunday afternoon you can just take a nap and chill. Cushions in varying sizes, textures, patterns and colors make your living room attractive. And there are not expensive too.
Rug it
Rugs are wonderful ways to bring color to your floor. Imagine having an ikkat or kalamkari rug in your living room and bringing in a slice of our very own textile heritage into the living room. You need not follow the rule of putting a rug only in the middle of the room. Make your cosy corner with a rug and couple of cushions. What a comfortable space will it be to curl up with a book and a cup of tea/coffee.
Bring in nature
There’s no substitute to having a bit of greenery in your living room. Put some potted plants in your living room and see what difference it brings to your decor. Add more to the magic by putting fresh flowers in the room. Have a sense of variation by putting flowers in a terracotta/ceramic/glass bowl. Put them in different corners of the room and revel in the beauty.
Your signature style
Your home is a reflection of your personality. So, from art, books, handicrafts, photographs to your specialized collections (it could be anything), you can display it all and bring in a bit of your personality. Make the room look unique and let your guests have a dekko at you from a different perspective.
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