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Another ‘intolerant’ day

New Delhi: ‘Intolerance’ – the dirty word of Indian politics has finally found its place in the parliamentary discussion.

But as usual, to no avail. Even before the learned members of the parliament could dwell on the subject, the left party MP, Mohammad Salim struck a deep chasm with the Home Minister Rajnath Singh. Singh was so livid, he demanded an instant apology from Salim. When the dust settled down and the parliamentary discourse started again, nothing substantial seemed to emerge barring the opponent bashing by both the ruling and opposition benches. At end of day one of the debate on intolerance, we all just know what has already been reiterated by most political parties, nothing more. Then why waste 2.25 cr rupees per day to hold this debate?

Since Bihar elections, “intolerance” has become the dirtiest word in politics. After 28 years of banning ‘The Satanic Verses’, the then home minister, P Chidambram, regretted the order issued by Rajiv Gandhi government. How one wonders, does this help the Congress today, which has been trying to use the “intolerance debate” to keep itself relevant in the current the political discourse?

Did, Chidambram seek permission from Congress President, Sonia Gandhi prior to critiquing late PM Rajiv Gandhi’s decision. Or was he shooting from the hip as is the current norm in Indian politics. The party distanced itself and now we have no clue as to what is official and what is a comment in personal capacity. The veil of secrecy that has always been the hallmark of Congress engulfs all.

Likewise, BJP, seems clueless. How does the party rein-in the Hindutava brigade, which has been vocal on its agenda, polices, aims and ultimate goal – one and only Hindu Rashtra. Can the party align itself with the proclaimed nationalists / hindu protagonists or is the party still committed to the plank of development which propelled the BJP to power in the face of Modi wave in 2014. The ruling party seems highly confused on its own agenda and goals to pursue.

After all which BJP leader won’t desire, a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Uniform Civil code and abrogation of article 370 from the constitution? But then, votes were not sought on these issues. Votes were sought on the plank of corruption-free development which will truly reflect the economic might of Elephantine India.

While the ruling elite are in a bind, the people seem to be the victims of ceaseless debate in newspapers, television and countless news portals.

What to do is the Hobbesian choice…

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