You must have heard a zillion times that anti-ageing solutions are mostly for women in their 40s and 50s. But how often have you walked in to a beauty store and been prodded to start applying antiageing creams and lotions in your 20s? Sure, it can get confusing at times with the wide range of anti-ageing solutions available for women in the market, but understanding your skin’s needs is crucial.
It is also not about your age alone, but also the kind of lifestyle that you lead, the work that you do and how much of physical activity do you have in your everyday life. Apart from your everyday beauty regime, you also have to start eating healthy to ensure that your skin retains its glow and youth. More often than not, it is because of the kind of food that you eat, that your skin starts losing its elasticity and radiance. Including lots of fresh and seasonal fruits and green vegetables in your diet will ensure that your skin stays soft and supple. Drinking lots of water will help the toxins flush out of your system, thereby making your skin smooth.
For women in their 20s
Night creams and serums are heavy on the young skin. So, women in their 20s should ideally not apply these if they have a problem-free skin. Says beautician Shahnaz Husain, “If you have sensitive skin, it’s best to stay away from serums because they might make your skin oily and prone to breakouts. However, for others, there are various brands that offer anti-ageing creams which can be easily applied during the day.” Your skin is at its best during this phase because your skin is healthy and the production of collagen is great and your skin is supple.
For women in their 30s and 40s
In your early thirties, you shall notice a few fine lines in and around the corner of your eyes and lips. But there’s nothing to panic about. This is the phase in your life where the signs of ageing begin to appear. A proper skincare routine along with a healthy diet will ensure that the lines reduce, but don’t expect it to diminish all at once. Says Puja Taluja, beauty and make-up professional, “An anti-ageing night cream is essential, even if you do not wish to apply a serum at bedtime.
But make sure that you apply this on an everyday basis so that the skin stays healthy and nourished.” While for those in their forties, you will realise that the production of collagen and the elasticity in your skin has visibly reduced, thus, apart from using a cream and serum, you will also have to start applying a cleanser and a daytime moisturiser which provides anti-ageing solutions. An occasional anti-ageing facial, like a de-tanning or a one that helps bring back the elasticity in your skin is essential.
For women in their 50s and above
Surely, by now you must have noticed the loss of elasticity in your skin. But one of the major concerns for women in their 50s and beyond is pigmentation marks that are left because of exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun and discoloration of the skin. Further, menopause can also cause skin problems at this age. It is advised that you visit a dermatologist at least once a month to get your skin tested so that you can keep it healthy. Further, facials and firming treatments are advised during this phase to help tighten the pores of your skin. Though when you are going in for any sort of facial treatment, always opt for one that aims at tightening the pores of your skin.
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