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When it comes to locating plots, buildings, orienting homes, placing decor and even planning gardens the first thing which would come to our mind is unhindered flow of energy and a feel good factor.

This is quite possible when we plan our home keeping in mind some important tenets of Feng Shui in terms of decor, alignment and design. The adaptation could extend beyond the framework of building design as it can be used to enhance the interiors, furnishing , decor and other aspects of the deisgn elements in a space.

A simple approach to Feng Shui would be in terms of providing the right plot levels, set backs, proper layout and allocation of rooms. How do we go about this? The basic understanding to allocate rooms in the right sectors is a step after getting to know the interpretation of the magnetic fields and compass directions. Presuming that one has got to know the axis of the plot and located the cardinal magnetic directions, it becomes a lot easier to design a home as per Feng Shui tenets.

Some of the very generic rules in Feng Shui home design are:-

Main door

The main door should be the largest door in the home and the door should not open into a kitchen area. Moreover the position of the main door is critical and would vary depending upon the direction and axis of the plot, however doors right on the cardinal directions are considered bad positioning.


What we eat, where we eat and how we eat are all part of the science of health and vitality; hence kitchen location is vital to the overall harmony of the home. Kitchen as many elements which operate in tandem or could be conflicting like water, fire (stove /electricity), metal (utensils) etc. In addition locating the stove and sink is of great importance so having the water body away from the fire is quite important.

Master bedroom

This is one of the most important rooms in a home. It is said that deep sleep is when we reunite with the source, hence if we sleep deeply we awaken refreshed ready for the new day. Quality of sleep is far more important than the length of time. Certain locations are more conducive to peaceful sleep than others. Using wooden bed/cot is preferred as wood is benign and warm as against metal beds, which are cold and oppressive, and metal is said to be associated with the planet Saturn.

Living room

This room is the sanctuary for relaxation. Feng Shui treatises says that the centre portion or the ‘tai chi’ of the house is not conducive for major activities as it receives least amount of cosmic energy, hence it is beneficial if a major portion of the living room occupies the central zone of the building. Remember to orient your sofas and heavy furniture’s such that they occupy the south and west sectors of the room and avoid furniture or blockages at the northeast sector of the room which is the knowledge sector.


In the earlier days the toilets were away from the main house and later they were made ‘en-suite’ or attached. Toilets should not be too close to kitchen as the food energy and toilet energies are incompatible.

Feng Shui reminds us of the basic relationship between earth, man and cosmos. By adapting these principles our lives, we can create a healthy environment with harmonious living and working environment.

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