Stronger abs don’t develop overnight -the deal is to first learn to activate your core. Start on the floor on all fours, hands placed under neath your shoulders, hips in line with your knees. Lift your right hand and extend your arm straight out in front of you, at shoulder height, while simultaneously lifting your left leg and extending it straight back. (a) Your body should be in a straight line from right fin gertips to left toes. Bring your left leg to touch your right elbow under your stomach. Extend your leg and arm out again. Return to starting position. (b) Repeat on the other side. Do five reps on each side.
Stand with your feet hip width apart, hands placed behind your head. With a tight core, back straight and relaxed shoulder, lift your right leg and raise your right knee and lower your left elbow towards each other.
Return to the starting position.
Repeat on the opposite side. Do five reps on each side.
Sit on the floor, legs stretched straight out in front of you. Keeping your core engaged, lean back slightly, so you’re able to place your hands on either side of your glutes. Take a deep breath and lift one leg six inches off the ground. Hold for five seconds, and then put it down. Repeat with the other leg. Continue alternating for a-minute straight, then take a 20 second break.
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