“Fire & Fury” Trump nominated by Abe for Nobel Peace Prize

By Ravi Batra

“I applaud and join PM Shinzo Abe, whose nation saw North Korean ICBM rockets flyover Japan, to nominate President Donald J. Trump for the Nobel Peace prize. Unlike prior presidents who could deliberate into inaction, President Trump charged in with “Fire & Fury” and “Little Rocket Man” and promised devastation of DPRK and Chairman Kim jong Un. The rest, as they say is history as the North Korean Missiles have stopped flying.

While it isn’t easy to always agree with Trump’s “ways & means”, his foreign policy goals are more often than not – dead on. Credit the disturbed Deep State has a hard time comprehending, let alone supporting.

The Arab Spring was started by a male Street Vendor in Tunisia after he was insulted by a female cop, and after unsuccessfully trying his best to protest, he self-immolated. Trump gave voice to the overwhelming number of unhappy and angry hardworking Americans who feel they and their children had been dealt out of the American Dream by lobbyists and Special Interests (who created the most unnecessary and corrupt 4Trillion dollar TARP as a reward to those who had then just destroyed America’s pensions & 401Ks in 2007).

Trump is the updated version of Teddy Roosevelt, as he changed “walk softly and carry a big stick” to “walk loudly and carry a big stick!” In today’s noise-filled life, Trump has cut through the status quo with his unending Tweet-storms, disrupted geopolitics, and made America stronger and safer, even if not liked as much as before. The British Empire’s biggest empire-building asset – “it’s been decided” – no matter if right or wrong – it was followed through as ‘it’s been decided.” Trump is a ‘decider” and the American Empire is on the march to greater peace & security.”

Ravi Batra Esq.


New York

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