NEW DELHI (TIP): Google Search has been including a lot of features to make its search engine easier, intuitive and fun to use.

After launching the image search option, now the California-based Internet major is bringing animal sounds to its search engine. Under the new ‘animal sounds’ search, users can now ask, by either talking to the Google app on their phone or typing “What sound does the duck make?” And the search will throw back a picture of a duck and play a recording of the sound they make.

According to Google, there are 19 animal sounds —ape, cat, cow, dog, duck, elephant, horse, lion, moose, owl, pig, raccoon, rooster, sheep, tiger, turkey, turtle, bowhead whale, humpback whale and zebra. The company also said that these sounds were all recorded from live animals.

“The animals included are a combination of the top searched for animals in Google and animals with some of the most iconic sounds,” it said in a statement adding that the Search will work for Android, iOS and the Web.

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