Healthy breakfast ideas help you save time and effort and get straight to the point of optimal everyday nutrition. Healthy breakfasts fire up your metabolism for the day besides keeping your hormone and blood sugar levels stable. Apart from this, one of the biggest advantages of healthy breakfasts is that they help you keep potential overeating and bingeing at bay. Still not convinced? How about the fact that healthy breakfasts keep your mind sharp and active so that you can perform better at work and play! Here are our top 5 brain-boosting healthy breakfast ideas for everyday nutrition…

Egg muffin sandwich

Cook eggs along with brain-boosting foods, such as tomatoes, raw cabbage and olives and your healthy breakfast is ready in a jiffy. Make sure you add an apple or two on the side, which will provide you with important antioxidants. Make your egg sandwich with 1 whole wheat English muffin, 1 slice of low-fat cheese, 2 pieces of sliced tomatoes and 3 raw cabbage leaves. In this, add one fried egg, tossed in half a teaspoon of olive oil. Your healthy breakfast is ready!

Mango-banana smoothie with honey

Smoothies are simple to make. Just whip a handful of healthy ingredients and your healthy smoothie is ready. Try a mango or banana smoothie. It is a great idea as it is rich in antioxidants, fibers, and omega-3 fatty acids. Make this smoothie by taking half a cup of mangoes, 1/4th banana, 1 tabelspoon of ground flaxseed, and 1/3rd cup of skimmed yogurt. Add 1 cup of skimmed milk, along with a dash of cinnamon. Pair it with two slices of honey oatmeal bread topped with low-calorie butter, and two slices of carrots or tomatoes, and your smoothie breakfast is ready.

Protein oatmeal pancakes

Jazz up your morning pancakes by adding dry fruits, such as chopped apricots, dates, raisins or cherries. Top it with chopped or freshly sliced fruits, such as bananas, mangoes or apples and add a pinch of cinnamon or sugar to it, along with a generous sprinkling of ground flaxseed. Mash in a processor – 1 big ripe banana mashed with some reduced apples in a pan or 1tbs of olive oil, 1 and a 1/2 cup low-fat cheese, 1 cup powdered or crushed oatmeal, 1/4 cup flax seeds, 1/2 cup low fat milk, 2 scoops whey protein and 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder together. Then add a little oil (1tsp) to a non-stick pan and pour out batter, 1 cup at a time. Flip when bubbles start forming on the up side. Done when slightly brown.

Whole wheat breakfast delight

This healthy whole wheat sandwich is full of healthy fats from olive oil, antioxidants from salsa sauce and fiber and protein from the yogurt and vegetables – all the properties that make it a great breakfast to kickstart the day. Simply buy a readymade 12 inch-long whole wheat bread and fill it up with 1 egg yolk and 2 egg whites tossed in a bit of olive oil. Add a generous sprinkling of low-fat cheese. Add some lettuce and tomatoes to this filling. Grill the sandwich. Top this will 2 tabelspoon of thick yogurt (this can be prepared by hanging the curd in a muslin cloth overnight) and salsa sauce. Serve this 350 calories breakfast with sliced apples or any other fresh seasonal fruit available and your breakfast is ready.

Thick yogurt french toast

This is especially healthy in hot summer months when the sun is out with a vengeance and the mercury is rising. Yogurt is a great way to substitute sour cream and readymade mayo-based fattening sauces. Full of probiotics, yogurt helps fight bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.

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