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How To Improve Vision

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Staring at the monitor, TV screen and smart phones puts constant strain on the eyes. Not giving your eyes adequate rest and lack of required nutrients only hampers your vision.

But there are other habits that you could be practicing unknowingly that could reduce your vision. Dr. Bharti, Medical Director of Bharti Group of Eye Hospitals reveals important tips to improve vision and what mistakes you should avoid making. Dr. Bharti admits there are ways you can boost vision, “It is something which is not very easy to achieve but it is possible that your eye sight will not deteriorate if you have a healthy and balanced diet including good protein, vitamin intake and minerals which are available in green vegetables and fruits.”

Common mistakes for vision eye care
There are few habits that strain the eyes and reduce vision. Dr. Bharti says, “One should not read in low light but should read in a good light. Watching TV lying down and in a dark room should be avoided.” “Most common mistake which people make is splashing water in their eyes without knowing the cleanliness of that water. This is the most common cause of infections,” explains the doctor.

But he also gives you another option. If you have to splash water in your eyes, “The nature has provided a system where the eyes are cleaned by itself so we don’t need to clean it by washing it. But in case people want to wash it is recommended to use Filter/RO water which they use for drinking.” “Second most common mistake eople do is to drink a lot of water in the morning as it is written in a lot of books as well which cleans your system.

But drinking a lot of water in the morning (like 1 liter) in one go can increase the eye pressure and doing it again and again can cause Glaucoma. Specifically people who have Glaucoma should not drink a lot of water in the morning and those who do not have it, they should also not drink water in one go but slowly.” “Thirdly, women use a lot of kajal for the eyes. Ideally women should not use kajal on the lid margin but use kajal outside the skin only since that is the biggest source of infection,” suggests the doctor

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