A new survey shows that the workplace can wreak havoc on your waistline. According to a new survey from CareerBuilder India, more than half of Indian workers (52 percent) say they have gained weight at their current jobs, with 31 percent saying they have gained more than 2.5kg. Only 11 per cent of all workers say they’ve lost weight since working in their current position.
The national survey was conducted online on behalf of CareerBuilder India of more than 1000 employees across the India.
Sedentary roles, exhaustion and time constraints can present obstacles to staying fit.When asked what they felt contributed to their expanding waistlines, workers gave the following reasons:
- Sitting at my desk most of the day -: 60 percent
- Too tired from work to exercise: – 36 percent
- No time to exercise before or after work – 37 per cent
- Eating because of stress :- 24 percent
- The temptation of the office biscuit tin -: 19 percent
- Having to skip meals be cause of time constraints :- 28 percent
- Workplace celebrations :- 26 percent
- Pressure to eat food co workers bring in : -20 percent
- Eating out regularly – 33 per cent; Happy hours : -24 percent.
Exercise is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, but it may not be enough to keep workers in their ideal shape.Though the majority of workers (80 percent) exercise on a regular basis, and nearly 6 in 10 (57 percent) claim to work out at least three days week, 41 per cent of workers feel they are overweight.
Sometimes a little extra incentive can motivate individuals to work out, but the majority of workers (53 percent) say their employers do not provide gym passes, access to workout facilities or wellbeing benefits. Of these workers, 41 per cent say they would take advantage of such opportunities. Only forty per cent of workers say their company provides these types of incentives.
When it comes to eating habits, it’s hard for workers to resist the allure of snack foods and restaurant meals. Three quarters of workers (77 percent) confess to snacking at work, and 81 per cent say they regularly eat out at work instead of packing a lunch.Thirty-seven percent eat out three times a week or more.
More women (48 percent) than men (34%), say they feel overweight. However, men and women are equally as likely to exercise regularly, with 81 per cent of men and 79 per cent of women claiming to work out at least once per week.
- Planning ahead and scheduling time for exercise the way you would a business meeting or conference call will make you more likely to prioritize it
- Get moving: Add as much movement to your daily activities as possible: for instance, park further away, or get off the bus or train a stop earlier and walk the remaining distance;
- Stay away from fizzy drinks: Drink water flavored with cucumber, strawberries or lemon instead, or green tea for a caffeine boost.
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