Working out and staying fit is a lifestyle many people desire, but many of them just find the environment of the gym intimidating and boring. An expert suggests that water exercises can be a nice variation to loose weight and stay active. Cristiana Pipoli, aqua aerobics trainer at Jaypee Vasant Continental, feels that aqua aerobics can work wonders for those who do not believe in “working out” in the conventional way. “This water workout reduces the weight of a person by up to 90 per cent, thus reducing the stress burden on your body’s joints.
The water also provides a natural resistance to your movements, making your aerobatics workout intense without you realising it. Aqua Aerobics also provides you with cardiovascular and strength training,” Pipoli said in a statement. “Another great advantage of Aqua Aerobics is that water makes you less prone to the exercise injuries. It does not matter what age you are, or at what level of fitness you are, it is suitable for all and is an enjoyable method of exercise, that can be altered to your specific needs and or fitness levels to ensure a safe and effective workout,” Pipoli said in a statement.
Some of the water exercises suggested by the expert:
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