Everyone likes receiving a bouquet, but often one finds that the flowers die out in a few days. With a little care, you can make them stay fresh for a number of days.
1)Water is important in order to allow the flowers to stay fresh longer. Most floral arrangements in baskets or other fancy containers do not have much water in them. Always check the oasis on which the flowers are placed for water. Alternately, remove them from the fancy packaging and place in a big vase.
2)Cutting the stems can go a long way in preserving the freshness of the flowers. Cut a half-inch off at a forty-five degree angle. Use a knife if possible as they work better than a pair of scissors.
3) It is essential to keep changing the water in the vase everyday, as once it goes stagnant, the flowers will start to wither.
4) Store your floral bouquet in a cool place. If they are in contact with direct sunlight, they may dry out much faster. 5)If you find certain flowers in your bunch have already started dying, remove them immediately. Dying flowers give out ethylene gas that can harm the healthy ones.
6)Try adding a teaspoon of sugar to the water mixture. They will help revive dull flowers.
7)If you’re looking for a longlasting bunch, ask your florist. Some flowers like orchids and lillies last much longer than roses.
8)Avoid cramming a large bunch of flowers in a small vase as the stems won’t be able to get enough support. Never use extremely cold or hot water in your vase as this can spoil the flowers.
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