You know it is that time of the month when you see-saw
Spinach delivers a megaload of magnesium. Just one leafy cup provides 40 percent of your daily value—so try subbing it for lettuce on sandwiches and salads. Or whip up a hot side of wilted spinach to pair with your next PMS-busting dinner.
Studies indicate that women who get a larger amount of calcium and vitamin D experience less intense PMS symptoms. Why? Calcium reduces depressive and anxious feelings in the brain while vitamin D regulates the enzyme that converts tryptophan into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate moods. You can also try yoghurt, which also contains live cultures to promote healthy digestion.
It’s especially important during your period to get enough lean protein and fibre, which help even your blood sugar, therefore reducing cravings for the no-no stuff. Try some almonds or even a pear when the mid-afternoon cravings begin!
Whole wheat
Whole grains are filled with health benefits. They’re an excellent source of magnesium, which helps to reduce muscle tension, and have Vitamins B and E that chase away the fatigue and depression.
Ginger-honey tea
Got nausea and bloating? Care for a cuppa ginger-honey tea? If you’re not a ginger-honey person, then a pot of chamomile tea is good for you! Tea is known to relieve muscle spasms and reduce tension that leads to anxiety and irritability.