By Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla
Aries:Ganesha says you are prone to bouts of introspection and continued spirituality (from last period, I mean), pondering on what you’d like to make of your life. At the same time both travel (therefore places, destinations) and closer ties with the people you love will keep you busy. Not only that, it leads to the free exchange of ideas, information, innovation techniques / practices. Some exciting contacts, too, adds Ganesha.
Taurus:Your relationships, which are your major thrust, will crystallize into a trend that is totally focused on your interactions with people. Love, marriage, professional relationships, to your equation with society and the world, the works is fact. You will concern yourself with charity, social welfare, community welfare. Pleasure comes to you from the intimacy of shared love and at work, from the shared execution of some really inspired plans, so that progress and prosperity are certain.
Gemini:You are moving into a phase of success now and the focus of all the P’s of last period will be twofold – the home, and your finances. You will improve your assets as well as your earning capacity. Further means of earning, even a parallel income or moonlighting prospects could happen. You will direct this flow of cash into investing in home and property – acquiring, improving, enhancing or even just beautifying, whatever is needed.
Cancer:The trend of the last period expands now, in financial matters. You may think serious of a change of job or of a new profession altogether, of cutting down expenses and also attempts at creating funds and capital, or loans to finance new projects which may yield greater profits. Thus financial security in the future is your main concern. You are ably supported by colleagues and sincere friends; in fact, you even win over rivals and competitors to cooperate with your plans, so promising will they be.
Leo:You rely heavily on your own gut feelings, your own perceptions. The focus will still be on finances mainly but now you are watching over your own interests, gains, future. Also, you’re working hard to ensure that you succeed in your venture. Greater power and enhanced position come to you, along with the linked perks, privileges, benefits. Your rivals don’t stand a chance against your determination, which in turn is powered by insights, analysis, knowledge.
Virgo:Success, achievement, gains are all there now. In this period, in your own sign, there are tangible gains like assets, income, acquisitions, valuable objects for you, your home, your family, and also some equally valuable intangible ones. Self – esteem, confidence, your image in the eyes of others, your total outlook, your attitude / mindset and the environment you create around yourself – all these slow glorious improvement.
Libra:Gains of a totally different nature now, but even more precious than before. You are full of optimism, strength and determination. Also, great kindness, tolerance, love for your fellowmen (humans, to be politically correct). This is not as easy as it sounds, as there is a degree of animosity and rivalry to reckon with, loss and disappointments to bear. You set solace, strength, joy from your leisure pursuits, creativity, hobbies, new skills. The good part is that they could all lead to fresh methods / means of earning well.
Scorpio:Your home will once again be focused on, in terms of buying, renovation, improvement. In fact, you’re on a total self – improvement exercise, in terms of higher study, knowledge, research in addition to physical fitness, health regimes. Even your personal assets, funds, cash in the bank will be dealt with, improved, enhanced now. All this for greater efficiency and definitely more power, more recognition.
Sagittarius:Financial gains are almost definite this period, too. Also, your communication is spectacular, so that there are shared hopes, ideas and the strong support of people who wish you well. It is in the angle of people, in fact, that you have truly tremendous success. Social gatherings, hospitality, entertainments are all energized but more than that, it is in the give-and-take of true and sincere love, of being genuinely wanted and cared for that you attain a joy that is bliss.
Capricorn:Both your personal life and / or personal equations as well as your financial position show a marked improvement now. So, it’s money and honey (love, romance, affection) for you now – and this may well continue next period. Your socializing will be at an all – time high. Entertaining and parties, house guests, casual visits and new contacts, wonderful closeness with family, kin, neighbors – Ganesha gives it all. Remember, it’s a long – term trend – that’s the best part of it.
Aquarius:Travel, ties and trips are highlighted now, but also promotions, perks, prestige, power. The catch is that they don’t happen easily; you have to strive hard to achieve them. There could be some personal hassles, tensions over inflamed emotions and passions, some recalcitrant attitudes. Family conflicts and disagreements, too. You have the vision, optimism and clever ideas to deal successfully with them. A negative, disillusioned attitude could easily develop in you, the feeling of being played for a sucker – but you surmount it with your faith in yourself and in your ideas / vision.
Pisces:New collaborations and deals could click into place now. There could also be gains in terms of grants, funds, endorsements, particularly for study, upgradation of skills. So, the gains can be in terms of higher study and research, too. You might feel that your greatest gains come from the shared, wondrous time with family, loved ones, parents. Equally wondrous will be the growth of your higher self, of the spiritual side of your character. You are laying some very solid foundations now, Ganesha adds.
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