The art of egg painting and decoration has been around for a while.With a little paint and creativity you can turn your egg into a fun decoration.
1. First step is to drain the egg. Hold it over a bowl and make two small holes in it. Poke a pin into it to break the yoke and now allow the insides to flow out.
2. Dry the egg. Once done, heat the oven and place them in a baking sheet and allow them to bake for about half an hour on low heat. It does not matter if they are discolored; remember they will be getting a fresh coat of paint.
3. Now, plug the holes with light cement or plaster of Paris.
4. To start painting, first go over the eggs with a coat of white acrylic primer. Always use acrylic paint as it adheres to the shell better. Leave overnight to dry.
5. The next day, paint the design of your choice on your egg. You can do plant patterns, zig-zags and names.
Tip: To make a spray-painted one, hold an egg over butter paper. Dip a brush in paint and run your thumb through its bristles to spray paint the egg. Leave it to dry.
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