According to a recent study, watching pornography may increase a man’s urge to cheat. Does this hold true for you? Have you ever come across a guy who has never watched porn? “No!” will be your quick reply and “Is that even possible?”, you will wonder. The saying, ‘Men will always be men’ aptly sums it up. While some women have made peace with the fact that men do watch porn – well, simply because it’s a ‘guy thing’ – there are others who are not comfortable with their boyfriend/ husband doing so. The main reason is, women fear that their men will turn unfaithful, tempted by carnal desires. Well, that fear is somewhat justified because, according to a recent study, watching porn does increase men’s likelihood to cheat. This is in tandem with a previous study which claimed unfaithful men are more than three times likely to watch porn regularly.
What’s the connection?
According to study author A Marlea Gwinn, of the University of Central Florida, porn offers men access to nostrings- attached sex, often with multiple highly attractive partners. Even though a man knows that it’s all make-believe, porn reinforces the idea that there are many attractive options besides his partner. The erotic images also trigger an instinct to reproduce, but with multiple sex partners and not in a loving, steady relationship, adds Gwinn.
Expert speak
Says sexologist and consultant psychiatrist Dr Dhananjay Gambhire, “Watching porn may increase your courage to take one more step and cheat. I have observed that watching porn is more common in men who cheat or visit prostitutes.” Consultant psychiatrist Dr Milan Balakrishnan says, “Watching porn alone doesn’t increase the risk of cheating on your partner. Those who are more impulsive and take decisions without weighing the consequences are more likely to cheat. They are also the ones who are more likely to try substance abuse and indulge in risky behaviour. So, watching porn may just be a coincidence; it does not point to a direct connection.
Don’t demonise porn
All said and done, viewing porn is not unhealthy. It’s a problem only when it becomes an addiction, says Dr Milan Balakrishnan. “This does not mean we need to demonise porn, because it can be used as an effective and safe way of channelising libido in those who are unmarried or lack partners.Watching porn together may also spice up a couple’s sex life. So, it’s alright upto an extent where it does not become the axis around which your life revolves and doesn’t make you feel guilty,” he adds.
Curb your porn time
Take a decision to abstain
Remove all resources that gives you access to porn.
Utilise the free time for other hobbies.
Decide if you want to control your sexual urge. If you are married, talk to your partner and spice up your sex life.
If it’s still not working, and you feel you are addicted to porn, meet a therapist.