Librans in Focus – “Nothing too much, the golden mean, the middle path” is a typical Zoroastrian commandment. It applies very specially to you Librans as balance and poise go with you. From September 8 Jupiter will be in your sign, Western Astrology. You will be the conductor of arts, music, science, beauty, films. BUT IT IS YOUR ABILITY TO NEGOTIATE AND SETTLE ANY DISPUTE WHICH WILL BE OF SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE RIGHT THROUGH THIS YEAR AND THE NEXT. So powerful is the combination of Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius that it could lead to a new peaceful order. God has taken your hand. Respond with all you have.
Aries: March 21 – April 19 | Astro physicists tell us that the movement of Earth to Space is responsible for our climate. In the same way your movements forceful, determine and positive will help you in trips, ties, communication, journey, maybe with a stop – over. A chance to divorce or marry is possible. At Satsang and meetings believe it or not God will preside invisibly.
Taurus: April 21 – May 21 | Every metal has a frequency and also a certain beauty. You Taureans have the impossible combination of utility and beauty. In October you will have the strength of Hercules and the generosity of Mother Teresa. Face opposition boldly but graciously. Be sure that Mother Nature loves you immensely and will never allow anybody to hurt you.
Gemini: May 22 – June 21 | The rings of the planet Saturn in the galaxies has bewitched even the astro physicists because they are huge, powerful and yet so very delicate and thin like our hair. You have the ability to live at many levels right from technological to the spiritual. Children, hobbies, entertainment, marriage, wild passionate creativity lead you to the altar.
Cancer: June 22 – July 22 | All of us know that Cancerians are home birds. For one year the domestic scene will change for the better in every which way. Opportunities for job switch, investments, partnerships are possible. I am exaggerating it when I say that you may meet God face to face between this October and the next. Piety helps.
Leo: July 23 -August 21 | “Prathamahim nama leta tava joi / jaga kaham sakala si dha hoi.” It means remember Ganeshji and then embark on any task or word. It will soon be your time for glory and greatness, travel and pleasure and status and prestige. At the same time if you delve deep in your heart you will find the rose of spirituality and great delight.
Virgo: August 22 – September 23 | You will discover the sheer complexity and beauty of life itself because now your heart will rule over your head which is so very rational and objective. Friends and family will help you all the way. The other happy news is domestic matters related to parents, in – laws, wife will improve. Prayers and bhajans are certainly advisable and absolutely necessary.
Libra: September 24 – October 23 | As they say on TV for every project, “your time is now”. New projects, old ventures, activated, journeys, health problems, loans and funds and a certain discipline and confidence will mark all that you do. Live wisely and beautifully and nobly is what my heart is telling me. Be decisive and confident of victory.
Scorpio: October 24 – November 22 | Peace hath her victories no less renowned than war”. It simply means that the greatness of peace is as great as the greatness of war. You will fight nobly and powerfully for the unfortunate, the weak, the helpless, the artist, the women who are down trodden and you will come up victorious.
Sagittarius: November 23 – December 22 | We are at our very best only when we face the greatest challenge and the danger. October will certainly show you the way to be courageous and confident. You will certainly succeed and prevail over all the odds because Jupiter your main planet is in the eleventh angle of friends, fame, happiness. Best to take help from spiritual masters, gurus, holy books and your own conscience.
Capricorn: December 23 – January 20 | Blow your own trumpet just as the elephant does. I know you are cool, critical, slightly cold and definitely well organized. It may surprise you to know that astro physicists tell us that the rings of Saturn are felt very powerfully on the snow and ice of the entire world. Your ruling planet is Saturn. Time to be boss man in all affairs.
Aquarius: January 21 – February 19 | Science tells us that there is a type of shrimp which lives the water but makes a very loud sound all around. It is a hint for you to be extravagant, move in social circles, invite friends over, take a chance if you jolly well feel like it. Research, technological innovations and new values and thoughts in spirituality will help you greatly to be not only big but great.
Pisces: February 20- March 20 | Loans and funds, renovation and decoration, travel and ties could make a changeover in your thinking and behavior patterns. The tinkle of money will be sweet music to your ears. But if you want to add real happiness and longevity to your years give freely of yourself to others. Charity and compassion are the life blood of the universe.
Bejan Daruwalla is world’s most famous astrologer today. He appears regularly on world wide TV shows. Bejan who has been a professor in English, has authored a number of books on astrology. India‘s Prime Minister Narendra Modi , on March 29, 2012, lunched one of Bejan’s books, ‘2012- End of the World? Bejan contributes to a number of journals and newspapers in many parts of the world which include Berkley Communications (London) Times of India (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai) and The Indian Panorama ( New York and Texas). Bejan’s predictions have mostly been correct and people the world over rely on his predictions.
As early as 1998 the publishers of the book, had said in the introduction of Bejan Daruwalla “Ganesha devotee, Bejan Daruwalla and Pete Sampras, the tennis champ, can now only compete against themselves. Today the whole world knows that Pete Sampras has created a history in the Wimbledon by winning the title for the 7th time and claiming a record breaking 13th grand slam title. Ganesha Bejan Daruwalla can never be wrong! Here’s what he had to say about Amitabh as early as November 15, 1999 in the outlook magazine. Good news for suave Amitabh……. From June 2000, his period of joy starts and 2001, itself is going to be proverbial cornucopia of plenty. In family drama he will make his mark, steal the thunder and slice his critics into silence! That’s for sure! I see the red carpet again for him. Ganesha nods in agreement.
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