Try these gestures that show you care and why they’re more meaningful to the guy in your life.

Complete attention

When the male brain sees you checking your iPhone during dinner, it interprets that as ‘I’m not important. That’s because men’s brains evolved to do one thing at a time while filtering out all other stimuli. Even though women function differently (you know firsthand how well you multitask), your man will appreciate you focusing solely on him. It says, ‘You are my priority, and I love you.

Cook something special

That old adage is true: The best way to a man’s heart may be through his belly. Knowing what he likes to eat without having to ask him demonstrates how well you know him.

Dress up for him

Dolling up sends the message that you still want to look good for him, no matter how long you’ve been together. Men’s brains are wired to respond to visual cues more than women’s brains. Seeing you in that sexy dress shows him you desire him. And a scarlet number may work best because ladies in red are an aphrodisiac to men.

Take care of yourself

Shedding stress, eating right, exercising and even pampering yourself may sound like treats for you, but they’re also ways to show you love him. This communicates, ‘I want to have a long, wonderful life with you’. What better motivation is there to get healthy?

Compliment your man

Throughout time, men have had to fight and provide to attract and keepwomen — and they aren’t afraid to pull out the masculinity measuring sticks when potential competitors come around. Let your husband know you think of him the way he’d love to be seen: As a provider, problem-solver, handyman, sex stud and knight in shining armor. When he pops the lid on the jam jar with ease, mention that you enjoy having such a strong man around. He’ll beam—and chalk it up as a reason you chose him over all those other guys.

Take his advice

Your man wants to feel like an important part of your world. On top of that, he’s a hard-wired problem-solver. Ask for his opinion on how to approach the boss for a raise, and you prove you trust and value his judgment.

Say thank you

Next time your husband drives the kids to school or takes out the trash, express your gratitude. Giving thanks will improve his attitude and infuse your relationship with a feel-good energy.

A warm hug

Instead of a quick peck before running out the door, choose a lingering embrace. Hug for at least seven seconds. It’s a long time, but there’s something about that number where the hold ends up really giving him something.

A quickie

Making love for an hour is nice, but once in a while, have sex for just a few minutes. Although women get that loving feeling with a rise in oxytocin (what you release during that post-coital cuddling session), men feel it with an increase in dopamine, the chemical they release during sex which stimulates the mental pleasure-and-reward center.

Source: TOI

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