CONTD FROM Vol 8 ISSUE 6 In the City of Death, they are tied up and beaten, and no one hears their cries. One who is blessed by the Lord’s Grace meets the Guru; as Gurmukh, he is emancipated. || 12 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: By egotism and pride, the self-willed manmukhs are enticed, and consumed. Those who center their consciousness on duality are caught in it, and remain stuck. But when it is burnt away by the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, only then does it depart from within.
The body and mind become radiant and bright, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to dwell within the mind. O Nanak, the Lord’s Name is the antidote to Maya; the Gurmukh obtains it. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: This mind has wandered through so many ages; it has not remained stable – it continues coming and going.When it is pleasing to the Lord’s Will, then He causes the soul to wander; He has set the world-drama in motion. When the Lord forgives, then one meets the Guru, and becoming stable, he remains absorbed in the Lord. O Nanak, through the mind, the mind is satisfied, and then, nothing comes or goes.
|| 2 || PAUREE: The body is the fortress of the Infinite Lord; it is obtained only by destiny. The Lord Himself dwells within the body; He Himself is the Enjoyer of pleasures. He Himself remains detached and unaffected; while unattached, He is still attached. He does whatever He pleases, and whatever He does, comes to pass. The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord’s Name, and separation from the Lord is ended. || 13 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Waaho! Waaho! The Lord Himself causes us to praise Him, through the True Word of the Guru’s Shabad.Waaho! Waaho! is His Eulogy and Praise; how rare are the Gurmukhs who understand this.Waaho! Waaho! is the True Word of His Bani, by which we meet our True Lord. O Nanak, chanting Waaho! Waaho! God is attained; by His Grace, He is obtained.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: Chanting Waaho! Waaho! the tongue is adorned with the Word of the Shabad. Through the Perfect Shabad, one comes to meet God. How very fortunate are those, who with their mouths, chant Waaho! Waaho! How beautiful are those persons who chant Waaho! Waaho! and worship the Lord in adoration.Waaho! Waaho! is obtained by His Grace; O Nanak, honor is obtained at the Gate of the True Lord. || 2 || PAUREE: Within the fortress of body, are the hard and rigid doors of falsehood, deception and pride. Deluded by doubt, the blind and ignorant self-willed manmukhs cannot see them. They cannot be found by any efforts; wearing their religious robes, the wearers have grown weary of trying.
The doors are opened only by the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, and then, one chants the Name of the Lord. The Dear Lord is the Tree of Ambrosial Nectar; those who drink in this Nectar are satisfied. || 14 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Chanting Waaho! Waaho! the night of one’s life passes in peace. Chanting Waaho! Waaho! I am in eternal bliss, O my mother! Chanting Waaho! Waaho!, I have fallen in love with the Lord.Waaho! Waaho! Through the karma of good deeds, I chant it, and inspire others to chant it as well. Chanting Waaho! Waaho!, one obtains honor. O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! is the Will of the True Lord. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani of the True Word. Searching, the Gurmukhs have found it.Waaho! Waaho! They chant the Word of the Shabad.Waaho! Waaho! They enshrine it in their hearts.
Chanting Waaho! Waaho! the Gurmukhs easily obtain the Lord, after searching. O Nanak, very fortunate are those who reflect upon the Lord, Har, Har, within their hearts. || 2 || PAUREE: O my utterly greedy mind, you are constantly engrossed in greed. In your desire for the enticing Maya, you wander in the ten directions. Your name and social status shall not go with you hereafter; the self-willed manmukh is consumed by pain. Your tongue does not taste the sublime essence of the Lord; it utters only insipid words. Those Gurmukhs who drink in the Ambrosial Nectar are satisfied.
|| 15 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is True, profound and unfathomable. Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is the Giver of virtue, intelligence and patience. Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is permeating and pervading in all. Chant Waaho! Waaho! to the Lord, who is the Giver of sustenance to all. O Nanak,Waaho! Waaho! – praise the One Lord, revealed by the True Guru. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: Waaho! Waaho! The Gurmukhs praise the Lord continually, while the self-willed manmukhs eat poison and die. They have no love for the Lord’s Praises, and they pass their lives in misery. The Gurmukhs drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, and they center their consciousness on the Lord’s Praises. O Nanak, those who chant Waaho! Waaho! are immaculate and pure; they obtain the knowledge of the three worlds.
|| 2 || PAUREE: By the Lord’s Will, one meets the Guru, serves Him, and worships the Lord. By the Lord’s Will, the Lord comes to dwell in the mind, and one easily drinks in the sublime essence of the Lord. By the Lord’s Will, one finds peace, and continually earns the Lord’s Profit. He is seated on the Lord’s throne, and he dwells continually in the home of his own being. He alone surrenders to the Lord’s Will, who meets the Guru. || 16 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Waaho! Waaho! Those humble beings ever praise the Lord, unto whom the Lord Himself grants understanding. Chanting Waaho! Waaho!, the mind is purified, and egotism departs from within. The Gurmukh who continually chants Waaho! Waaho! attains the fruits of his heart’s desires. Beauteous are those humble beings who chant Waaho! Waaho! O Lord, let me join them! Within my heart, I chant Waaho! Waaho!, and with my mouth,Waaho! Waaho! O Nanak, those who chant Waaho! Waaho! – unto them I dedicate my body and mind.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: Waaho! Waaho! is the True Lord Master; His Name is Ambrosial Nectar. Those who serve the Lord are blessed with the fruit; I am a sacrifice to them.Waaho! Waaho! is the treasure of virtue; he alone tastes it, who is so blessed.Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is pervading and permeating the oceans and the land; the Gurmukh attains Him.Waaho! Waaho! Let all the Gursikhs continually praise Him.Waaho! Waaho! The Perfect Guru is pleased with His Praises. O Nanak, one who chants Waaho! Waaho! with his heart and mind – the Messenger of Death does not approach him.
|| 2 || PAUREE: The Dear Lord is the Truest of the True; True is the Word of the Guru’s Bani. Through the True Guru, the Truth is realized, and one is easily absorbed in the True Lord. Night and day, they remain awake, and do not sleep; in wakefulness, the night of their lives passes. Those who taste the sublime essence of the Lord, through the Guru’s Teachings, are the most worthy persons.Without the Guru, no one has obtained the Lord; the ignorant rot away and die. || 17 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He is.Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is unfathomable and inaccessible.Waaho! Waaho! He is the True One.Waaho! Waaho! He is the self-existent Lord.Waaho! Waaho! As He wills, so it comes to pass.Waaho! Waaho! is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtained by the Gurmukh. Waaho! Waaho! This is realized by His Grace, as He Himself grants His Grace.
O Nanak,Waaho! Waaho! This is obtained by the Gurmukhs, who hold tight to the Naam, night and day. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: Without serving the True Guru, peace is not obtained, and the sense of duality does not depart. No matter how much one may wish, without the Lord’s Grace, He is not found. Those who are filled with greed and corruption are ruined by the love of duality. They cannot escape birth and death, and with egotism within them, they suffer in misery. Those who center their consciousness on the True Guru, never go empty-handed. They are not summoned by the Messenger of Death, and they do not suffer in pain. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are saved; they merge in the True Lord. || 2 || PAUREE: He alone is called a minstrel, who enshrines love for his Lord and Master. Standing at the Lord’s Door, he serves the Lord, and reflects upon the Word of the Guru’s Shabad.
The minstrel attains the Lord’s Gate and Mansion, and he keeps the True Lord clasped to his heart. The status of the minstrel is exalted; he loves the Name of the Lord. The service of the minstrel is to meditate on the Lord; he is emancipated by the Lord. || 18 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: The milkmaid’s status is very low, but she attains her Husband Lord when she reflects upon the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, and chants the Lord’s Name, night and day. She who meets the True Guru, lives in the Fear of God; she is a woman of noble birth. She alone realizes the Hukam of her Husband Lord’s Command, who is blessed by the Creator Lord’s Mercy. She who is of little merit and ill-mannered, is discarded and forsaken by her Husband Lord.
By the Fear of God, filth is washed off, and the body becomes immaculately pure. The soul is enlightened, and the intellect is exalted, meditating on the Lord, the ocean of excellence. One who dwells in the Fear of God, lives in the Fear of God, and acts in the Fear of God. He obtains peace and glorious greatness here, in the Lord’s Court, and at the Gate of Salvation. Through the Fear of God, the Fearless Lord is obtained, and one’s light merges in the Infinite Light. O Nanak, that bride alone is good, who is pleasing to her Lord and Master, and whom the Creator Lord Himself forgives. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: Praise the Lord, forever and ever, and make yourself a sacrifice to the True Lord. O Nanak, let that tongue be burnt, which renounces the One Lord, and attaches itself to another.
|| 2 || PAUREE: From a single particle of His greatness, He created His incarnations, but they indulged in the love of duality. They ruled like kings, and fought for pleasure and pain. Those who serve Shiva and Brahma do not find the limits of the Lord. The Fearless, Formless Lord is unseen and invisible; He is revealed only to the Gurmukh. There, one does not suffer sorrow or separation; he becomes stable and immortal in the world. || 19 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: All these things come and go, all these things of the world. One who knows this written account is acceptable and approved. O Nanak, anyone who takes pride in himself is foolish and unwise.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: The mind is the elephant, the Guru is the elephant-driver, and knowledge is the whip.Wherever the Guru drives the mind, it goes. O Nanak, without the whip, the elephant wanders into the wilderness, again and again. || 2 || PAUREE: I offer my prayer to the One, from whom I was created. Serving my True Guru, I have obtained all the fruits. I meditate continually on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. In the Society of the Saints, I am rid of my pain and suffering. O Nanak, I have become care-free; I have obtained the imperishable wealth of the Lord. || 20 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Raising the embankments of the mind’s field, I gaze at the heavenly mansion.