CONTD FROM Vol 7 ISSUE 32 || 3 || The rivers and streams which separate may sometime be united again. In age after age, that which is sweet, is full of poison; how rare is the Yogi who understands this. That rare person who centers his consciousness on the True Guru, knows intuitively and realizes the Lord.Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the thoughtless fools wander in doubt, and are ruined. Those whose hearts are not touched by devotional worship and the Name of the True Lord, shall weep and wail loudly in the end. Nanak speaks the Truth; through the True Word of the Shabad, those long separated from the Lord, are united once again. || 4 || 1 || 5 || ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: AASAA, THIRD MEHL, CHHANT, FIRST HOUSE: Within my home, the true wedding songs of rejoicing are sung; my home is adorned with the True Word of the Shabad.
The soul-bride has met her Husband Lord; God Himself has consummated this union. God Himself has consummated this union; the soulbride enshrines Truth within her mind, intoxicated with peaceful poise. Embellished with the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, and beautified with Truth, she enjoys her Beloved forever, imbued with His Love. Eradicating her ego, she obtains her Husband Lord, and then, the sublime essence of the Lord dwells within her mind. Says Nanak, fruitful and prosperous is her entire life; she is embellished with the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. || 1 || The soul-bride who has been led astray by duality and doubt, does not attain her Husband Lord.
That soulbride has no virtue, and she wastes her life in vain. The self-willed, ignorant and disgraceful manmukh wastes her life in vain, and in the end, she comes to grief. But when she serves her True Guru, she obtains peace, and then she meets her Husband Lord, face to face. Beholding her Husband Lord, she blossoms forth; her heart is delighted, and she is beautified by the True Word of the Shabad. O Nanak, without the Name, the soul-bride wanders around, deluded by doubt. Meeting her Beloved, she obtains peace. || 2 || The soul-bride knows that her Husband Lord is with her; the Guru unites her in this union.Within her heart, she is merged with the Shabad, and the fire of her desire is easily extinguished.
The Shabad has quenched the fire of desire, and within her heart, peace and tranquility have come; she tastes the Lord’s essence with intuitive ease. Meeting her Beloved, she enjoys His Love continually, and her speech rings with the True Shabad. Reading and studying continually, the Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages have grown weary; wearing religious robes, liberation is not obtained. O Nanak, without devotional worship, the world has gone insane; through the True Word of the Shabad, one meets the Lord. || 3 || Bliss permeates the mind of the soul-bride, who meets her Beloved Lord. The soul-bride is enraptured with the sublime essence of the Lord, through the incomparable Word of the Guru’s Shabad. Through the incomparable Word of the Guru’s Shabad, she meets her Beloved; she continually contemplates and enshrines His Glorious Virtues in her mind. Her bed was adorned when she enjoyed her Husband Lord; meeting with her Beloved, her demerits were erased.
That house, within which the Lord’s Name is continually meditated upon, resounds with the wedding songs of rejoicing, throughout the four ages. O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, we are in bliss forever; meeting the Lord, our affairs are resolved. || 4 || 1 || 6 || ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: AASAA, THIRD MEHL, CHHANT, THIRD HOUSE: O my beloved friend, dedicate yourself to the devotional worship of your Husband Lord. Serve your Guru constantly, and obtain the wealth of the Naam. Dedicate yourself to the worship of your Husband Lord; this is pleasing to your Beloved Husband.
If you walk in accordance with your own will, then your Husband Lord will not be pleased with you. This path of loving devotional worship is very difficult; how rare are those who find it, through the Gurdwara, the Guru’s Gate. Says Nanak, that one, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, links his consciousness to the worship of the Lord. || 1 || O my detached mind, unto whom do you show your detachment? Those who sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord live in the joy of the Lord, forever and ever. So become detached, and renounce hypocrisy; Your Husband Lord knows everything. The One Lord is pervading the water, the land and the sky; the Gurmukh realizes the Command of His Will. One who realizes the Lord’s Command, obtains all peace and comforts. Thus says Nanak: such a detached soul remains absorbed in the Lord’s Love, day and night. || 2 || Wherever you wander, O my mind, the Lord is there with you. Renounce your cleverness, O my mind, and reflect upon the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. Your Husband Lord is always with you, if you remember the Lord’s Name, even for an instant.
The sinful residues of countless incarnations shall be washed away, and in the end, you shall obtain the supreme status. You shall be linked to the True Lord, and as Gurmukh, remember Him forever. Thus says Nanak: wherever you go, O my mind, the Lord is there with you. || 3 || Meeting the True Guru, the wandering mind is held steady; it comes to abide in its own home. It purchases the Naam, chants the Naam, and remains absorbed in the Naam. The outgoing, wandering soul, upon meeting the True Guru, opens the Tenth Gate. There, Ambrosial Nectar is food and the celestial music resounds; the world is held spell-bound by the music of the Word. The many strains of the unstruck melody resound there, as one merges in Truth. Thus says Nanak: by meeting the True Guru, the wandering soul becomes steady, and comes to dwell in the home of its own self. || 4 || O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light – recognize your own origin. O my mind, the Dear Lord is with you; through the Guru’s Teachings, enjoy His Love.
Acknowledge your origin, and then you shall know your Husband Lord, and so understand death and birth. By Guru’s Grace, know the One; then, you shall not love any other. Peace comes to the mind, and gladness resounds; then, you shall be acclaimed. Thus says Nanak: O my mind, you are the very image of the Luminous Lord; recognize the true origin of your self. || 5 || O mind, you are so full of pride; loaded with pride, you shall depart. The fascinating Maya has fascinated you, over and over again, and lured you into reincarnation. Clinging to pride, you shall depart, O foolish mind, and in the end, you shall regret and repent. You are afflicted with the diseases of ego and desire, and you are wasting your life away in vain. The foolish self-willed manmukh does not remember the Lord, and shall regret and repent hereafter. Thus says Nanak: O mind, you are full of pride; loaded with pride, you shall depart. || 6 || O mind, don’t be so proud of yourself, as if you know it all; the Gurmukh is humble and modest.Within the intellect are ignorance and ego; through the True Word of the Shabad, this filth is washed off. So be humble, and surrender to the True Guru; do not attach your identity to your ego.
The world is consumed by ego and self-identity; see this, lest you lose your own self as well. Make yourself follow the Sweet Will of the True Guru; remain attached to His Sweet Will. Thus says Nanak: renounce your ego and self-conceit, and obtain peace; let your mind abide in humility. || 7 || Blessed is that time, when I met the True Guru, and my Husband Lord came into my consciousness. I became so very blissful, and my mind and body found such a natural peace. My Husband Lord came into my consciousness; I enshrined Him within my mind, and I renounced all vice. When it pleased Him, virtues appeared in me, and the True Guru Himself adorned me.
Those humble beings become acceptable, who cling to the One Name and renounce the love of duality. Thus says Nanak: blessed is the time when I met the True Guru, and my Husband Lord came into my consciousness. || 8 || Some people wander around, deluded by doubt; their Husband Lord Himself has misled them. They wander around in the love of duality, and they do their deeds in ego. Their Husband Lord Himself has misled them, and put them on the path of evil. Nothing lies in their power. You alone know their ups and downs, You, who created the creation. The Command of Your Will is very strict; how rare is the Gurmukh who understands. Thus says Nanak: what can the poor creatures do, when You mislead them into doubt? || 9 || O My True Lord Master, True is Your glorious greatness. You are the Supreme Lord God, the Infinite Lord and Master. Your creative power cannot be described. True is Your glorious greatness; when You enshrine it within the mind, one sings Your Glorious Praises forever. He sings Your Glorious Praises, when it is pleasing to You, O True Lord; he centers his consciousness on You.
One whom You unite with Yourself, as Gurmukh, remains absorbed in You. Thus says Nanak: O my True Lord Master, True is Your Glorious Greatness. || 10 || 2 || 7 || 5 || 2 || 7 || RAAG AASAA, CHHANT, FOURTH MEHL, FIRST HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Life – I have found real life, as Gurmukh, through His Love. The Lord’s Name – He has given me the Lord’s Name, and enshrined it within my breath of life. He has enshrined the Name of the Lord, Har, Har within my breath of lfe, and all my doubts and sorrows have departed. I have meditated on the invisible and unapproachable Lord, through the Guru’s Word, and I have obtained the pure, supreme status.
The unstruck melody resounds, and the instruments ever vibrate, singing the Bani of the True Guru. O Nanak, God the Great Giver has given me a gift; He has blended my light into the Light. || 1 || The self-willed manmukhs die in their self-willed stubbornness, declaring that the wealth of Maya is theirs. They attach their consciousness to the foul-smelling pile of filth, which comes for a moment, and departs in an instant. They attach their consciousness to the foul-smelling pile of filth, which is transitory, like the fading color of the safflower. One moment, they are facing east, and the next instant, they are facing west; they continue spinning around, like the potter’s wheel. In sorrow, they eat, and in sorrow, they gather things and try to enjoy them, but they only increase their stores of sorrow. O Nanak, one easily crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, when he comes to the Sanctuary of the Guru.