![TIP The Indian Panorama - Newspaper - Logo](https://www.theindianpanorama.news/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/TIP.png)
|| 1 || I behold the fruitful vision of the Saint; this is the meditation I have taken. The Lord Master has become Merciful to Nanak, and he has entered the Sanctuary of the Holy. || 2 || 16 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: Offer your prayer to your Lord. You shall obtain the four blessings, and the treasures of bliss, pleasure, peace, poise and the spiritual powers of the Siddhas. || 1 || Pause || Renounce your self-conceit, and grasp hold of the Guru’s feet; hold tight to the hem of God’s robe. The heat of the ocean of fire does not affect one who longs for the Lord and Master’s Sanctuary.
|| 1 || Again and again, God puts up with the millions of sins of the supremely ungrateful ones. The embodiment of mercy, the Perfect Transcendent Lord – Nanak longs for His Sanctuary. || 2 || 17 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: Place the Guru’s feet within your heart, and all illness, sorrow and pain shall be dispelled; all suffering shall come to an end. || 1 || Pause || The sins of countless incarnations are erased, as if one has taken purifying baths at millions of sacred shrines. The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is obtained by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, and centering one’s mind in meditation on Him.
|| 1 || Showing His Mercy, the Lord has made me His slave; breaking my bonds, He has saved me. I live by chanting and meditating on the Naam, and the Bani of Your Word; slave Nanak is a sacrifice to You. || 2 || 18 || Third Set of Six || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: O mother, I long to see the Feet of God. Be Merciful to me, O my Lord and Master, that I might never forsake them from my mind. || 1 || Pause || Applying the dust of the feet of the Holy to my face and forehead, I burn away the poison of sexual desire and anger. I judge myself to be the lowest of all; in this way, I instill peace within my mind. || 1 || I sing the Glorious Praises of the Imperishable Lord and Master, and I shake off all my sins. I have found the gift of the treasure of the Naam, O Nanak; I hug it close, and enshrine it in my heart.
|| 2 || 19 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: Dear God, I long to behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I cherish this beautiful meditation day and night; You are dearer to me than my soul, dearer than life itself. || 1 || Pause || I have studied and contemplated the essence of the Shaastras, the Vedas and the Puraanas. Protector of the meek, Lord of the breath of life, O Perfect One, carry us across the terrifying world-ocean. || 1 || Since the very beginning, and throughout the ages, the humble devotees have been Your servants; in the midst of the world of corruption, You are their Support. Nanak longs for the dust of the feet of such humble beings; the Transcendent Lord is the Giver of all. || 2 || 20 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: Your humble servant, O Lord, is intoxicated with Your sublime essence. One who obtains the treasure of the Nectar of Your Love, does not renounce it to go somewhere else. || 1 || Pause || While sitting, he repeats the Lord’s Name, Har, Har; while sleeping, he repeats the Lord’s Name, Har, Har; he eats the Nectar of the Lord’s Name as his food. Bathing in the dust of the feet of the Holy is equal to taking cleansing baths at the sixtyeight sacred shrines of pilgrimage.
|| 1 || How fruitful is the birth of the Lord’s humble servant; the Creator is his Father. O Nanak, one who recognizes the Perfect Lord God, takes all with him, and saves everyone. || 2 || 21 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: O mother, without the Guru, spiritual wisdom is not obtained. They wander around, weeping and crying out in various ways, but the Lord of the World does not meet them. || 1 || Pause || The body is tied up with emotional attachment, disease and sorrow, and so it is lured into countless reincarnations. He finds no place of rest without the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; to whom should he go and cry? || 1 || When my Lord and Master shows His Mercy, we lovingly focus our consciousness on the feet of the Holy. The most horrible agonies are dispelled in an instant, O Nanak, and we merge in the Blessed Vision of the Lord.
|| 2 || 22 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: The Lord and Master Himself has become Merciful. I have been emancipated, and I have become the embodiment of bliss; I am the Lord’s child – He has saved me. || Pause || With my palms pressed together, I offer my prayer; within my mind, I meditate on the Supreme Lord God. Giving me His hand, the Transcendent Lord has eradicated all my sins. || 1 || Husband and wife join together in rejoicing, celebrating the Victory of the Lord Master. Says Nanak, I am a sacrifice to the humble servant of the Lord, who emancipates everyone. || 2 || 23 || ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: I offer my prayer to my True Guru. The Destroyer of distress has become kind and merciful, and all my anxiety is over. || Pause || I am a sinner, hypocritical and greedy, but still, He puts up with all of my merits and demerits. Placing His hand on my forehead, He has exalted me. The wicked ones who wanted to destroy me have been killed. || 1 || He is generous and benevolent, the beautifier of all, the embodiment of peace; the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is so fruitful! Says Nanak, He is the Giver to the unworthy; I enshrine His Lotus Feet within my heart.
|| 2 || 24 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: My God is the Master of the masterless. I have come to the Sanctuary of the Savior Lord. || Pause || Protect me on all sides, O Lord; protect me in the future, in the past, and at the very last moment. || 1 || Whenever something comes to mind, it is You. Contemplating Your virtues, my mind is sanctified. || 2 || I hear and sing the Hymns of the Guru’s Word. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of the Darshan of the Holy. || 3 || Within my mind, I have the Support of the One Lord alone. O Nanak, my God is the Creator of all. || 4 || 25 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: God, this is my heart’s desire: O treasure of kindness, O Merciful Lord, please make me the slave of your Saints. || Pause || In the early hours of the morning, I fall at the feet of Your humble servants; night and day, I obtain the Blessed Vision of their Darshan. Dedicating my body and mind, I serve the humble servant of the Lord; with my tongue, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
|| 1 || With each and every breath, I meditate in remembrance on my God; I live continually in the Society of the Saints. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is my only support and wealth; O Nanak, from this, I obtain bliss. || 2 || 26 || RAAG DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL, THIRD HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: O friend, such is the Dear Lord whom I have obtained. He does not leave me, and He always keeps me company. Meeting the Guru, night and day, I sing His Praises. || 1 || Pause || I met the Fascinating Lord, who has blessed me with all comforts; He does not leave me to go anywhere else. I have seen the mortals of many and various types, but they are not equal to even a hair of my Beloved. || 1 || His palace is so beautiful! His gate is so wonderful! The celestial melody of the sound current resounds there. Says Nanak, I enjoy eternal bliss; I have obtained a permanent place in the home of my Beloved. || 2 || 1 || 27 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: My mind longs for the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan, and His Name. I have wandered everywhere, and now I have come to follow the Saint.
|| 1 || Pause || Whom should I serve? Whom should I worship in adoration? Whoever I see shall pass away. I have sought the Sanctuary of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; my mind longs for the dust of their Feet. || 1 || I do not know the way, and I have no virtue. It is so difficult to escape from Maya! Nanak has come and fallen at the Guru’s feet; all of his evil inclinations have vanished. || 2 || 2 || 28 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: O Beloved, Your Words are Ambrosial Nectar. O supremely beautiful Enticer, O Beloved, You are among all, and yet distinct from all. || 1 || Pause || I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet. Brahma, Shiva, the Siddhas, the silent sages and Indra – I seek only the Blessed Vision of my Lord and Master’s Darshan.
|| 1 || I have come, helpless, to Your Door, O Lord Master; I am exhausted – I seek the Sanctuary of the Saints. Says Nanak, I have met my Enticing Lord God; my mind is cooled and soothed – it blossoms forth in joy. || 2 || 3 || 29 || DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: Meditating on the Lord, His servant swims across to salvation. When God becomes merciful to the meek, then one does not have to suffer reincarnation, only to die again. || 1 || Pause || In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and he does not lose the jewel of this human life. Singing the Glories of God, he crosses over the ocean of poison, and saves all his generations as well. || 1 || The Lotus Feet of the Lord abide within his heart, and with every breath and morsel of food, he chants the Lord’s Name. Nanak has grasped the Support of the Lord of the Universe; again and again, he is a sacrifice to Him. || 2 || 4 || 30 || RAAG DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL, FOURTH HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Some wander around the forests, wearing religious robes, but the Fascinating Lord remains distant from them.
|| 1 || Pause || They talk, preach, and sing their lovely songs, but within their minds, the filth of their sins remains. || 1 || They may be very beautiful, extremely clever, wise and educated, and they may speak very sweetly. || 2 || To forsake pride, emotional attachment, and the sense of ‘mine and yours’, is the path of the double-edged sword. || 3 || Says Nanak, they alone swim across the terrifying world-ocean, who, by God’s Grace, join the Society of the Saints. || 4 || 1 || 31 || RAAG DAYV-GANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL, FIFTH HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: I have seen the Lord to be on high; the Fascinating Lord is the highest of all.
No one else is equal to Him – I have made the most extensive search on this. || 1 || Pause || Utterly infinite, exceedingly great, deep and unfathomable – He is lofty, beyond reach. His weight cannot be weighed, His value cannot be estimated. How can the Enticer of the mind be obtained? || 1 || Millions search for Him, on various paths, but without the Guru, none find Him. Says Nanak, the Lord Master has become Merciful. Meeting the Holy Saint, I drink in the sublime essence. || 2 || 1 || 32 || DAYVGANDHAAREE, FIFTH MEHL: I have looked in so many ways, but there is no other like the Lord.
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