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CONTD FROM Vol 8 ISSUE 14 || 2 || I share a bed with my Beloved, but I do not behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. I have countless demerits – how can my Husband Lord call me to the Mansion of His Presence? The worthless, dishonored and discarded soul-bride prays: “Meet with me, God, O treasure of mercy.” The wall of doubt has been shattered, and now I sleep in peace, beholding God, the Lord of the nine treasures, even for an instant. If only I could come into the Mansion of my Beloved Lord’s Presence. Joining with Him, I sing the songs of joy. Prays Nanak,

I seek the Sanctuary of the Saints; please, reveal to me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. || 3 || By the Grace of the Saints, I have found the Lord, Har, Har. My desires are fulfilled, and my mind is at peace; the fire within has been quenched. Fruitful is that day and beauteous is that night, and countless are the joys, celebrations and pleasures. The Lord of the Universe, the Beloved Lord of the World, has been revealed.With what tongue can I speak of His Glory? Doubt, greed, emotional attachment and corruption are subdued; joining with my companions, I sing the songs of joy. Prays Nanak,

I meditate on the Saint, who has led me to union with the Lord, Har, Har. || 4 || 2 || BIHAAGRAA, FIFTH MEHL: Grant Your Grace, O Guru, O Perfect Supreme Lord God, that I might chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, night and day. I speak the Ambrosial Words of the Guru’s Bani, praising the Lord. Your Will seems so sweet to me, Lord. Show kindness and compassion, O Lord of the Word, Lord of the Universe; without You, I have no other at all. Almighty, sublime, infinite and perfect Lord – my soul, body, wealth and mind are Yours. I am foolish, stupid, masterless, fickle, powerless, lowly and ignorant. Prays Nanak, I seek Your Sanctuary – please save me from coming and going in reincarnation.

|| 1 || In the Sanctuary of the Holy, I have found the Dear Lord; I constantly sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. Applying the dust of the devotees to the mind and body, O Dear Lord, all sinners are sanctified. The sinners are sanctified in the company of those who have met the Primal Lord of Destiny. Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they are given the gift of the life of the soul; their gifts increase day by day.Wealth, the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, and the nine treasures come to those who meditate on the Lord, and conquer their own soul. Prays Nanak, it is only by great good fortune that the Holy, the Lord’s companions are found, O friends. || 2 || Those who deal in Truth, O Dear Lord, are the perfect bankers. They possess the great treasure, O Dear Lord, and they earn the profit of the Lord’s Praise. Sexual desire, anger and greed do not cling to those who are attuned to God. They know the One, and they believe in the One; they are intoxicated with the Lord’s Love. They fall at the Feet of the Saints, and seek their Sanctuary; their minds are filled with joy. Prays Nanak, those who have the Naam in their laps are the true bankers.

|| 3 || O Nanak, meditate in remembrance on that Dear Lord, who supports all by His Power. The Gurmukhs do not forget the Dear Lord, the Primal Creator Lord, from their minds. Pain, disease and fear do not cling to those who meditate on the Lord, Har, Har. By the Grace of the Saints, they cross over the terrifying world-ocean, and obtain their pre-ordained destiny. They are congratulated and applauded, and their minds are at peace; they meet the Infinite Lord God. Prays Nanak, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har, my desires are fulfilled.

|| 4 || 3 || BIHAAGRAA, FIFTH MEHL, SECOND HOUSE: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: O peaceful night, grow longer – I have enshrined love for my Beloved. O painful sleep, grow shorter, so that I may constantly touch His Feet. I long for the dust of His Feet, and always beg for His Name; for His Love, I have renounced the world. I am imbued with the Love of my Beloved, intuitively intoxicated with it; I have forsaken my terrible evil-mindedness. He has taken me by the arm; I am drenched in His Love. I have met my Beloved on the Path of Truth. Prays Nanak, please shower me with Your Mercy, that I may remain attached to Your Feet.

|| 1 || O my friends and companions, let us remain attached to the Feet of God. My mind is filled with a great love for my Beloved; I beg for the Lord’s devotional worship. The Lord’s devotional worship is obtained by meditating on God. Let us go and meet the humble servants of the Lord. Renounce pride, emotional attachment and corruption, and dedicate this body, wealth and mind to Him. The Lord God is great, perfect, glorious, absolutely perfect; meeting the Lord, Har, Har, the wall of doubt is torn down. Prays Nanak, hear these teachings, O friends – chant the Lord’s Name constantly, continually, over and over again.

|| 2 || The Lord’s bride is a happy wife; she enjoys all pleasures. She does not sit around like a widow, because the Lord God lives forever. She does not suffer pain – she meditates on God. She is blessed, and very fortunate. She sleeps in peaceful ease, her sins are eradicated, and she wakes to the joy and love of the Naam. She remains absorbed in her Beloved – the Lord’s Name is her ornament. The Words of her Beloved are sweet and pleasing to her. Prays Nanak, I have obtained my mind’s desires; I have met my eternal Husband Lord.

|| 3 || The songs of bliss resound, and millions of pleasures are found in that house; the mind and body are permeated by God, the Lord of supreme bliss. My Husband Lord is infinite and merciful; He is the Supreme Lord, the Lord of the Universe, the Saving Grace of sinners. God, the Giver of mercy, the Lord, the Destroyer of pride, carries us across the terrifying world-ocean of poison. The Lord lovingly embraces whoever comes to His Sanctuary – this is the way of the Lord and Master. Prays Nanak, I have met my Husband Lord, who plays with me forever.

|| 4 || 1 || 4 || BIHAAGRAA, FIFTH MEHL: The Lord’s Feet are the Pools of Ambrosial Nectar; dwell there, O my mind. Take your cleansing bath in the Ambrosial Pool of the Lord, and all your sins shall be wiped away, O my mind. Take your cleansing in the Lord of the Universe forever, O friends, and the pain of darkness shall be dispelled. Birth and death shall not hold you, and the noose of Death shall be cut away. So join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and be imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord; there, your hopes shall be fulfilled. Prays Nanak, shower Your Mercy upon me, Lord, that I might dwell at Your Lotus Feet.

|| 1 || There is bliss and ecstasy there always, and the unstruck celestial melody resounds there. Meeting together, the humble Saints sing God’s Praises, and celebrate His Victory. Meeting together, the Saints sing the Praises of the Lord and Master; they are pleasing to the Lord, and drenched with the sublime essence of His love and affection. They earn the profit of the Lord, eradicate self-conceit, and meet Him, from whom they were separated for so long. Taking them by the arm, He makes them His own; God, the One, Inaccessible and Infinite, bestows His kindness. Prays Nanak, forever immaculate are those who vibrate and resonate with the True Word of the Shabad. || 2 || Listen, O most fortunate ones, to the Ambrosial Bani, the Word of the Lord. Only one who has such pre-ordained karma, has it enter into the heart. The Unspoken Speech is known only by those unto whom God grants His Grace. They become immortal, and shall not die again; their troubles, disputes and pains are dispelled. They find the Sanctuary of the Lord; they do not forsake Him, and do not leave. God’s Love is pleasing to their minds and bodies. Prays Nanak, sing forever the Sacred Ambrosial Bani of the Word.

|| 3 || My mind and body are intoxicated – I cannot describe it. From Him I originated, and into Him I shall merge once again. I am absorbed into God’s Light, through and through, like water merging into water. The One permeates the water, the land and the sky – I do not see any other. He is totally permeating the forests, the fields and the three worlds. I cannot express His worth. Prays Nanak, He Himself knows – the One who created this creation.

|| 4 || 2 || 5 || BIHAAGRAA, FIFTH MEHL: The Saints go around, searching for God, the support of their breath of life. They lose the strength of their bodies, if they do not merge with their Beloved Lord. O God, my Beloved, merge with me – bless me with Your kindness; be kind, and attach me to the hem of Your robe. Bless me with Your Name, that I may chant it, O Lord and Master; beholding the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, I live. He is almighty, perfect, eternal and unchanging, exalted, unapproachable and infinite. Prays Nanak, grant Your Grace, O Beloved of my breath of life, that I may merge with You.

|| 1 || I have practiced chanting, intensive meditation and fasting to see Your Feet, Lord. But still, the burning fire is not quenched, without the Sanctuary of the Lord and Master. O God, I seek Your Sanctuary – please, cut away my bonds and carry me across the world-ocean. I am helpless, forlorn and worthless – I know nothing at all; please do not count up my merits and demerits. The Lord is Merciful to the meek, the Sustainer of the world, Beloved, Almighty Cause of causes. Nanak, the song-bird, begs for the raindrop of the Lord’s Name; meditating on the Feet of the Lord, Har, Har, he lives.

|| 2 || Drink in the Ambrosial Nectar from the sacred pool, the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. In the Society of the Saints, one meets the Lord; meditating on Him, one’s affairs are resolved. God accomplishes everything; He is the Destroyer of pain. Never forget Him from your mind, even for an instant. He is blissful, night and day; He is forever True. All Glories are contained in the Lord in the Universe. Incalculable, lofty and infinite is the Lord and Master. His dwelling is unapproachable. Prays Nanak, my desires are fulfilled; I have met the Lord, the Greatest Lover.

|| 3 || The fruits of many millions of charitable feasts come to those who listen to and sing the Lord’s Praise. Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, all one’s generations are carried across. Chanting the Name of the Lord, the mortal being is beautified; what Praises of His can I chant? I shall never forget the Lord; He is as dear as my breath of life. My mind constantly yearns for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. Auspicious is that day, when God, the lofty, inaccessible and infinite, hugs me close in His embrace. Prays Nanak, everything is fruitful – I have met my supremely beloved Lord God.

|| 4 || 3 || 6 || BIHAAGRAA, FIFTH MEHL, CHHANT: Why are you imbued with the love of another? That path is very dangerous. You are committing sins – no one is your friend. No one shall be your friend; you shall regret and repent forever. You have not chanted with your tongue the Praises of the Lord of the World; when will these days come again?

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