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|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: The fool does not understand his own self; he annoys others with his speech. His underlying nature does not leave him; separated from the Lord, he is beaten. He has not changed and reformed himself in Fear of the True Guru, so that he might merge in the lap of God. Night and day, his doubts never stop; without the Word of the Shabad, he suffers in pain. Sexual desire, anger and greed are very powerful within; he passes his life constantly entangled in worldly affairs. His feet, hands, eyes and ears are exhausted; his days are numbered, and death is approaching.

The True Name does not seem sweet to him – the Name by which the nine treasures are obtained. But if he remains dead while yet alive, then by so dying, he truly lives; thus, he attains liberation. But if he is not blessed with such pre-destined karma, then without this karma, what can he obtain? Meditate on the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, you fool; through the Shabad, you shall obtain salvation and wisdom. O Nanak, he alone finds the True Guru, who eradicates self-conceit from within.

|| 2 || PAUREE: One whose consciousness is filled with my Lord and Master – why should he feel anxious about anything? The Lord is the Giver of peace, the Lord of all things; why would we turn our faces away from His meditation, for a moment, even for an instant? One who meditates on the Lord obtains all pleasures and comforts; let’s go, each and every day, to sit in the Society of the Saints.

All the pain, hunger and disease of the Lord’s servant are eradicated; the bonds of all the humble beings are torn away. By the Lord’s Grace, one becomes the Lord’s devotee; beholding the face of the Lord’s humble devotee, the whole world is saved and carried across. || 4 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Let that tongue, which has not tasted the Taste of the Lord, be burnt. O Nanak, one whose mind is filled with the Lord, Har, Har – his tongue savors the Word of the Shabad.

|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: Let that tongue, which has forgotten the Name of the Lord, be burnt. O Nanak, the tongue of the Gurmukh chants the Lord’s Name, and loves the Name of the Lord. || 2 || PAUREE: The Lord Himself is the Master, the servant and the devotee; the Lord Himself is the Cause of causes. The Lord Himself beholds, and He Himself rejoices. As He pleases, He enjoins us. The Lord places some on the Path, and the Lord Himself leads others into the wilderness.

The Lord is the True Master; True is His justice. He arranges and watches all His plays. By Guru’s Grace, servant Nanak speaks and sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. || 5 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: How rare is the dervish, the Saintly renunciate, who understands renunciation. Cursed is the life, and cursed are the clothes, of one who wanders around, begging from door to door.

But if he gives up hope and anxiety and becomes Gurmukh, and takes the Name as his charity, then Nanak washes his feet; I am a sacrifice to him. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: O Nanak, the tree has one fruit, but two birds are perched upon it. They are not seen coming or going; these birds have no wings. The soul enjoys all sorts of pleasures; through the Word of the Shabad, it remains in Nirvaanaa. Imbued with the subtle essence of the fruit of the Lord’s Name, O Nanak, it bears the True Insignia of God’s Grace.

|| 2 || PAUREE: He Himself is the field, and He Himself is the farmer. He Himself grows and grinds the grain. He Himself cooks it, He Himself puts the food in the dishes, and He Himself sits down to eat. He Himself is the water, He Himself gives the tooth-pick, and He Himself offers the mouthwash. He Himself calls and seats the congregation, and He Himself bids them goodbye. One whom the Lord Himself blesses with His Mercy – the Lord inspires him to obey the Hukam of His Command.

|| 6 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Religious rituals are all just entanglements; bad and good are bound up with them. Possessiveness and emotional attachment are more bonds; children and spouse are entanglements as well. Wherever I look, I see the noose of attachment to Maya. O Nanak, without the True Name, the world is engrossed in blind dealings. || 1 || FOURTH MEHL: The blind receive the Divine Light, when they merge with the Will of the True Guru. They break their bonds and dwell in Truth, and the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. They see that everything belongs to the One who created and fashioned the body. Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Creator; the Creator preserves his honor.

|| 2 || PAUREE: When the Creator, sitting all by Himself, created the Universe, he did not consult with any of His servants. So what can anyone take, and what can anyone give, since He did not create any other like Himself? Then, after forming the Universe, the Creator blessed all with His blessings. He Himself instructs us in His service; as Gurmukh, we drink in His Ambrosial Nectar. He Himself is formless, and He Himself is formed; whatever He Himself does, comes to pass.

|| 7 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: The Gurmukhs serve God forever; night and day, they are intuitively absorbed in the Love of the True One. They are in bliss forever, singing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; in this world and in the next, they keep Him clasped to their hearts. Their Beloved dwells deep within; the Creator pre-ordained this karma. O Nanak, He blends them into Himself; He Himself showers His Mercy upon them.

|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: By merely talking and speaking, He is not found. Night and day, sing His Glorious Praises forever.Without His Grace, no one finds Him; many have died barking and bewailing.When the mind and body are drenched with the Word of the Guru’s Shabad, the Lord Himself comes to dwell in the mind. O Nanak, by His Grace, He is found; He unites us in His Union.

|| 2 || PAUREE: He Himself is the Vedas, the Puraanas and all the Shaastras; He Himself recites them, and He Himself is pleased. He Himself sits down to worship, and He Himself creates the world. He Himself is the householder, and He Himself is the renunciate; He Himself speaks the Unspoken. He Himself is all goodness, and He Himself causes us to act; He Himself remains detached. He Himself grants pleasure and pain; the Creator Himself bestows His blessings.

|| 8 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: O Shaykh, renounce your violent nature; live in the Fear of God and give up your madness. Through the Fear of the Guru, many have been saved; in this fear, you shall find the Fearless One. Pierce your stubborn mind with the Word of the Shabad; let peace and tranquility come to abide in your mind. If good deeds are done in this state of peace, they are approved by the Lord and Master. O Nanak, no one has ever found God through sex and anger – go, and ask any spiritual teacher.

|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: The self-willed manmukhs are emotionally attached to Maya – they have no love for the Naam. They practice falsehood, gather falsehood, and make falsehood their sustenance. They collect the poisonous wealth of Maya, and then die; in the end, it is all reduced to ashes. They practice religious rituals, purity and austere selfdiscipline, but within, there is only greed and corruption. O Nanak, whatever the selfwilled manmukhs do is not acceptable; in the Court of the Lord, they are dishonored.

|| 2 || PAUREE: He Himself created the four sources of creation, and He Himself fashioned speech; He Himself created the worlds and solar systems. He Himself is the ocean, and He Himself is the sea; He Himself puts the pearls in it. By His Grace, He enables some to find them – those whom He makes Gurmukh. He Himself is the terrifying world-ocean, and He Himself is the boat; He Himself is the boatman, and He Himself ferries us across. The Creator Himself acts, and causes us to act; no one else can equal You, Lord.

|| 9 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Service to the True Guru is fruitful, if one does so with a sincere mind. The treasure of the Naam is obtained, and the mind comes to be free of anxiety. The pains of birth and death are eradicated, and the mind is rid of egotism and possessiveness. One achieves the ultimate state, and remains absorbed in the True One. O Nanak, the True Guru comes and meets those who have such pre-ordained destiny.

|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: The True Guru is attuned to the Naam; He is the boat in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. One who becomes Gurmukh crosses over; the True Lord abides within him. He remembers the Naam, he gathers in the Naam, and he obtains honor through the Naam. Nanak has found the True Guru; by His Grace, the Name is obtained. || 2 || PAUREE: He Himself is the Philosopher’s Stone, He Himself is the metal, and He Himself is transformed into gold. He Himself is the Lord and Master, He Himself is the servant, and He Himself is the Destroyer of sins. He Himself enjoys every heart; the Lord Master Himself is the basis of all illusion.

He Himself is the discerning one, and He Himself is the Knower of all; He Himself breaks the bonds of the Gurmukhs. Servant Nanak is not satisfied by merely praising You, O Creator Lord; You are the Great Giver of peace. || 10 || SHALOK, FOURTH MEHL: Without serving the True Guru, the deeds which are done are only chains binding the soul.Without serving the True Guru, they find no place of rest. They die, only to be born again – they continue coming and going.Without serving the True Guru, their speech is insipid.

They do not enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in the mind. O Nanak, without serving the True Guru, they are bound and gagged, and beaten in the City of Death; they depart with blackened faces. || 1 || THIRD MEHL: Some wait upon and serve the True Guru; they embrace love for the Lord’s Name. O Nanak, they reform their lives, and save their generations as well. || 2 || PAUREE: He Himself is the school, He Himself is the teacher, and He Himself brings the students to be taught.

He Himself is the father, He Himself is the mother, and He Himself makes the children wise. In one place, He teaches them to read and understand everything, while in another place, He Himself makes them ignorant. Some, You summon to the Mansion of Your Presence within, when they become pleasing to Your Mind, O True Lord. That Gurmukh, whom You have blessed with greatness – that humble being is known and respected in Your True Court.

|| 11 || SHALOK, MARDAANAA: The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is the vessel, filled with the wine of sex; the mind is the drinker. Anger is the cup, filled with emotional attachment; egotism is the bartender. Drinking too much in the company of falsehood and greed, one is ruined. So let good deeds be your distillery, and let Truth be the molasses you ferment; make the most excellent wine of Truth. Make virtue your bread, good conduct the ghee, and modesty the dish of meat. As Gurmukh, these are obtained, O Nanak; consuming them, evil and corruption depart. || 1 ||

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