Like an elephant, You step with Your Feet so carefully; You are pleased with Yourself. She who is imbued with the Love of such a Great Lord, flows intoxicated, like the waters of the Ganges. Prays Nanak, I am Your slave, O Lord; Your walk is graceful, and Your speech is sweet.
|| 8 || 2 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL, CHHANT: ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD. BY THE GRACE OF THE TRUE GURU: Be imbued with the Love of your Husband Lord, O beautiful, perishable bride. Remain immersed in the True Word of the Shabad, O perishable bride; savor and enjoy the Love of your Beloved Husband.
The Husband Lord embellishes His beloved bride with His True Love; she is in love with the Lord, Har, Har. Renouncing her selfishness, she attains her Husband Lord, and remains merged in the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. That soul-bride is adorned with the Shabad, who is attracted by His Love, and who treasures the Love of her Beloved deep within. O Nanak, the Husband Lord blends that soul bride with Himself; the True King embellishes her.
|| 1 || O worthless bride, see your Husband Lord ever-present. One who, as Gurmukh, enjoys her Husband Lord, O perishable bride, knows Him to be all-pervading everywhere. The Husband Lord is all-pervading everywhere; behold Him ever-present. Throughout the ages, know Him as the One.
The young, innocent bride intuitively enjoys her Husband Lord; she meets the Architect of karma. One who tastes the sublime essence of the Lord, and chants the sublime Word of the Shabad, remains immersed in the Lord’s Sacred Pool. O Nanak, that soul-bride is pleasing to her Husband Lord, who, through the Shabad, remains in His Presence.
|| 2 || Go and ask the happy soul-brides, O perishable bride, who have eradicated selfconceit from within. Those who have not eradicated self-conceit, O perishable bride, do not realize the Hukam of their Husband Lord’s Command.
Those who eradicate selfconceit obtain their Husband Lord and delight in His Love. Forever attuned to His Love, in perfect poise and grace, she repeats His Name night and day. Very fortunate is that bride who focuses her consciousness on Him; her Lord’s Love is so sweet to her. O Nanak, that soul-bride who is adorned with Truth is imbued with her Lord’s Love, in peace and poise.
|| 3 || Overcome your egotism, O perishable bride, and walk in the Guru’s Way. Thus you shall enjoy your Husband Lord forever, O perishable bride, and obtain an abode in the home of your own inner being. Obtaining an abode in the home of her inner being, she vibrates the Word of the Shabad, and is a happy soulbride forever.
The Husband Lord is delightful and forever young; night and day, He embellishes His bride. Her Husband Lord activates the destiny written on her forehead, and she is adorned with the True Shabad. O Nanak, the soul-bride is imbued with the Love of the Lord, when she walks according to the Will of the True Guru.
|| 4 || 1 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: All the dealings of the Gurmukhs are good, if they are accomplished with poise and grace. Night and day, they chant the Naam, and earn their profits, drinking in the subtle essence of the Lord. They earn the profit of the subtle essence of the Lord, dwelling on the Lord, and chanting the Naam, night and day. They gather in merits, and eliminate demerits, and become self-realized. Through the Guru’s Teachings, they are blessed with glorious greatness; they drink in the essence of the True Word of the Shabad. O Nanak, devotional worship of the Lord is a unique experience, but only a few Gurmukhs perform it.
|| 1 || As Gurmukh, plant the crop of the Lord deep within, and let it grow in your body-field. Within the home of your own being, enjoy the Lord’s subtle essence, and earn profits in the world beyond. This profit is earned in the world beyond by enshrining the Lord within the mind; blessed is this farming and trade.
Meditating on the Lord’s Name, and enshrining Him within the mind, the Guru’s Teachings are understood. The selfwilled manmukhs have grown weary of this farming and trade; their hunger and thirst will not go away. O Nanak, plant the seed of the Name within the mind, and adorn yourself with the True Word of the Shabad.
|| 2 || Those humble beings engage in the Lord’s trade, who have the jewel of such preordained destiny upon their foreheads. Under Guru’s Instruction, the mind abides in the home of the self; through the True Word of the Shabad, she becomes unattached. By the destiny written upon their foreheads, they become truly unattached, and by reflective meditation, they are imbued with Truth.
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world is insane; through the Shabad, the ego is conquered. Attached to the True Word of the Shabad, wisdom wells up. The Gurmukh obtains the Naam, the Name of the Husband Lord. O Nanak, through the Shabad, one meets the Lord, the Destroyer of fear; by the destiny written on her forehead, she ravishes and enjoys Him.
|| 3 || All farming and trading is by Hukam of His Command; surrendering to His Command, glorious greatness is obtained. Under Guru’s Instruction, one comes to understand His Command; by His Command, one is united in His Union. By His Command, one intuitively merges and blends with Him.
The Word of the Guru’s Shabad is incomparable. Through the Guru, true greatness is obtained, and one is embellished with Truth. One finds the Destroyer of fear, and eradicates selfconceit; as Gurmukh, one is united in His Union. Says Nanak, the Name of the immaculate, inaccessible, unfathomable Commander is permeating and pervading everywhere.
|| 4 || 2 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: O my mind, contemplate the True Lord forever. Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you. The noose of the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you, when you embrace love for the True Word of the Shabad.
Forever imbued with the True Lord, the mind becomes immaculate, and its comings and goings are ended. The love of duality and doubt have ruined the selfwilled manmukh, who is lured away by the Messenger of Death. Says Nanak, listen, O my mind: contemplate the True Lord forever.
|| 1 || O my mind, the treasure is deep within you; do not search for it on the outside. Eat only that which is pleasing to the Lord; as Gurmukh, receive the blessing of His Glance of Grace. As Gurmukh, receive the blessing of His Glance of Grace, O my mind; the Name of the Lord, your help and support, is deep within you.
The self-willed manmukhs are blind and devoid of wisdom; they are ruined by the love of duality.Without the Name, no one is emancipated. All are bound by the Messenger of Death. O Nanak, the treasure is deep within you; do not search for it on the outside.
|| 2 || O my mind, obtaining the blessing of this human birth, some are engaged in the trade of Truth. They serve their True Guru, and the Infinite Word of the Shabad resounds deep within. Deep within is the Infinite Shabad, and the Beloved Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the Naam, the nine treasures are obtained. The self-willed manmukhs are engrossed in emotional attachment to Maya; they suffer in pain, and through duality, they lose their honor.
But those who conquer their ego, and merge in the True Shabad, are totally imbued with Truth. O Nanak, it is so difficult to obtain this human life; the True Guru imparts this understanding. || 3 || O my mind, those who serve their True Guru are the most fortunate beings. Those who conquer their minds are beings of renunciation and detachment.
They are beings of renunciation and detachment – they are lovingly focused on the True One; they realize and understand themselves. Their intellect is steady, deep and profound; as Gurmukh, they naturally chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Some are lovers of beautiful young women; infatuation with Maya is very dear to them. The unfortunate self-willed manmukhs remain asleep. O Nanak, those who intuitively serve their Guru have perfect destiny.
|| 4 || 3 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: Purchase the jewel, the priceless treasure; the True Guru has given this understanding. The profit of profits is devotional worship of the Lord; one’s virtues merge into the virtues of the Lord. One’s virtues merge into the virtues of the Lord as one comes to understand one’s own self, earning the profit of devotional worship in this world.Without devotion, there is no peace; through duality, one’s honor is lost, but under Guru’s Instruction, one is blessed with the Support of the Naam. The profit of the merchandise of the Naam is earned forever, by those whom the Lord employs in this trade. They purchase the jewel, the invaluable treasure, when the True Guru gives this understanding.
|| 1 || Emotional attachment to Maya is totally painful; this is a bad bargain. Speaking falsehood, one eats poison; evil is greatly increasing. Evil is greatly increasing in this world of skepticism; without the Name, one’s honor is lost. Reading and studying, the religious scholars argue and debate; but without understanding, there is no peace. Their comings and goings never end; emotional attachment to Maya is dear to them. Emotional attachment to Maya is totally painful; this is a bad bargain.
|| 2 || The counterfeit and the genuine are all appraised in the Court of the True Lord. The counterfeit are cast out of the Court, and they stand there, crying in misery. They stand there, crying in misery – the foolish, idiotic, self-willed manmukhs have wasted their lives. Maya is the poison which has deluded the world; it does not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord. The selfwilled manmukhs hate the Saints; they harvest only pain in this world. The counterfeit and the genuine are appraised in that True Court of the Lord.
|| 3 || He Himself acts; who else should I ask? No one else can do anything. As He pleases, He engages us; such is His glorious greatness. Such is His glorious greatness – He Himself causes all to act; no one is a warrior or a coward. The Life of the world, the Great Giver, the Architect of karma – He Himself grants forgiveness. By Guru’s Grace, selfconceit is eradicated, O Nanak, and through the Naam, honor is obtained. He Himself acts; who else should I ask? No one else can do anything.
|| 4 || 4 || WADAHANS, THIRD MEHL: The True merchandise is the Name of the Lord. This is the true trade. Under Guru’s Instruction, we trade in the Lord’s Name; its value is so very great. The value of this true trade is so very great; those who are engaged in the true trade are very fortunate. Inwardly and outwardly, they are imbued with devotion; they enshrine love for the True Name. Those who are blessed with the Lord’s Glance of Grace obtain Truth, and contemplate the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Name find peace, dealing in Truth.
|| 1 || Egotistical involvement in Maya is filth; Maya is overflowing with filth. Under Guru’s Instruction, the mind is made pure, and the tongue drinks in the subtle essence of the Lord.
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