The Lord blesses the Gurmukh with devotion.
|| 13 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: One who has no faith in the True Guru, and who does not love the Word of the Shabad, shall find no peace, even though he may come and go hundreds of times. O Nanak, the Gurmukh meets the True Lord with natural ease; he is in love with the Lord.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: O mind, search for such a True Guru, by serving whom the pains of birth and death are dispelled. Doubt shall never afflict you, and your ego shall be burnt away through the Word of the Shabad. The veil of falsehood shall be torn down from within you, and Truth shall come to dwell in the mind. Peace and happiness shall fill your mind deep within, if you act according to truth and self-discipline. O Nanak, by perfect good karma, you shall meet the True Guru, and then the Dear Lord, by His Sweet Will, shall bless you with His Mercy.
|| 2 || PAUREE: The whole world comes under the control of one whose home is filled with the Lord, the King. He is subject to no one else’s rule, and the Lord, the King, causes everyone to fall at his feet. One may run away from the courts of other men, but where can one go to escape the Lord’s Kingdom? The Lord is such a King, who abides in the hearts of His devotees; He brings the others, and makes them stand before His devotees. The glorious greatness of the Lord’s Name is obtained only by His Grace; how few are the Gurmukhs who meditate on Him.
|| 14 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Without serving the True Guru, the people of the world are dead; they waste their lives away in vain. In love with duality, they suffer terrible pain; they die, and are reincarnated, and continue coming and going. They live in manure, and are reincarnated again and again. O Nanak, without the Name, the Messenger of Death punishes them; in the end, they depart regretting and repenting.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: In this world, there is one Husband Lord; all other beings are His brides. He enjoys the hearts of all, and yet He remains detached; He is unseen; He cannot be described. The Perfect Guru reveals Him, and through the Word of His Shabad, we come to understand Him. Those who serve their Husband Lord, become like Him; their egos are burnt away by His Shabad. He has no rival, no attacker, no enemy. His rule is unchanging and eternal; He does not come or go. Night and day, His servant serves Him, singing the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. Beholding the Glorious Greatness of the True Lord, Nanak blossoms forth.
|| 2 || PAUREE: Those whose hearts are forever filled with the Name of the Lord, have the Name of the Lord as their Protector. The Lord’s Name is my father, the Lord’s Name is my mother; the Lord’s Name is my helper and friend. My conversation is with the Lord’s Name, and my counseling is with the Lord’s Name; the Lord’s Name always takes care of me. The Lord’s Name is my most beloved society, the Lord’s Name is my ancestry, and the Lord’s Name is my family. The Guru, the Lord Incarnate, has bestowed upon servant Nanak the Name of the Lord; in this world, and in the next, the Lord ever saves me.
|| 15 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: Those who meet the True Guru, ever sing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises. The Lord’s Name naturally fills their minds, and they are absorbed in the Shabad, the Word of the True Lord. They redeem their generations, and they themselves obtain the state of liberation. The Supreme Lord God is pleased with those who fall at the Guru’s Feet. Servant Nanak is the Lord’s slave; by His Grace, the Lord preserves his honor.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: In egotism, one is assailed by fear; he passes his life totally troubled by fear. Egotism is such a terrible disease; he dies, to be reincarnated – he continues coming and going. Those who have such pre-ordained destiny meet with the True Guru, God Incarnate. O Nanak, by Guru’s Grace, they are redeemed; their egos are burnt away through the Word of the Shabad.
|| 2 || PAUREE: The Lord’s Name is my immortal, unfathomable, imperishable Creator Lord, the Architect of Destiny. I serve the Lord’s Name, I worship the Lord’s Name, and my soul is imbued with the Lord’s Name. I know of no other as great as the Lord’s Name; the Lord’s Name shall deliver me in the end. The Generous Guru has given me the Lord’s Name; blessed, blessed are the Guru’s mother and father. I ever bow in humble reverence to my True Guru; meeting Him, I have come to know the Lord’s Name.
|| 16 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: One who does not serve the Guru as Gurmukh, who does not love the Lord’s Name, and who does not savor the taste of the Shabad, shall die, and be reborn, over and over again. The blind, selfwilled manmukh does not think of the Lord; why did he even come into the world? O Nanak, that Gurmukh, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, crosses over the world-ocean.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: Only the Guru is awake; the rest of the world is asleep in emotional attachment and desire. Those who serve the True Guru and remain wakeful, are imbued with the True Name, the treasure of virtue. The blind, self-willed manmukhs do not think of the Lord; they are ruined through birth and death. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; this is their destiny, pre-ordained by the Primal Lord God.
|| 2 || PAUREE: The Lord’s Name is my food; eating the thirty-six varieties of it, I am satisfied and satiated. The Lord’s Name is my clothing; wearing it, I shall never be naked again, and my desire to wear other clothing is gone. The Lord’s Name is my business, the Lord’s Name is my commerce; the True Guru has blessed me with its use. I record the account of the Lord’s Name, and I shall not be subject to death again. Only a few, as Gurmukh, meditate on the Lord’s Name; they are blessed by the Lord, and receive their pre-ordained destiny.
|| 17 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: The world is blind and ignorant; in the love of duality, it engages in actions. But those actions which are performed in the love of duality, cause only pain to the body. By Guru’s Grace, peace wells up, when one acts according to the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. He acts according to the True Word of the Guru’s Bani; night and day, he meditates on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. O Nanak, as the Lord Himself engages him, so is he engaged; no one has any say in this matter.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: Within the home of my own being, is the everlasting treasure of the Naam; it is a treasure house, overflowing with devotion. The True Guru is the Giver of the life of the soul; the Great Giver lives forever. Night and day, I continually sing the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praise, through the Infinite Word of the Guru’s Shabad. I recite continually the Guru’s Shabads, which have been effective throughout the ages. This mind ever abides in peace, dealing in peace and poise. Deep within me is the Guru’s Wisdom, the Lord’s jewel, the Bringer of liberation. O Nanak, one who is blessed by the Lord’s Glance of Grace obtains this, and is judged to be True in the Court of the Lord.
|| 2 || PAUREE: Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, who goes and falls at the Feet of the True Guru. Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, who with his mouth, utters the Name of the Lord. Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, whose mind, upon hearing the Lord’s Name, becomes blissful. Blessed, blessed is that Sikh of the Guru, who serves the True Guru, and so obtains the Lord’s Name. I bow forever in deepest respect to that Sikh of the Guru, who walks in the Way of the Guru.
|| 18 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: No one has ever found the Lord through stubborn-mindedness. All have grown weary of performing such actions. Through their stubbornmindedness, and by wearing their disguises, they are deluded; they suffer in pain from the love of duality. Riches and the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas are all emotional attachments; through them, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, does not come to dwell in the mind. Serving the Guru, the mind becomes immaculately pure, and the darkness of spiritual ignorance is dispelled. The jewel of the Naam is revealed in the home of one’s own being; O Nanak, one merges in celestial bliss.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: One who does not savor the taste of the Shabad, who does not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and who speaks insipid words with his tongue, is ruined, again and again. O Nanak, he acts according to the karma of his past actions, which no one can erase.
|| 2 || PAUREE: Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have found peace. Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have attained the Lord’s devotional worship. Blessed, blessed is the Lord’s devotee, my True Guru; serving Him, I have come to enshrine love for the Name of the Lord. Blessed, blessed is the Knower of the Lord, my True Guru; He has taught me to look upon friend and foe alike. Blessed, blessed is the True Guru, my best friend; He has led me to embrace love for the Name of the Lord.
|| 19 || SHALOK, FIRST MEHL: The soul-bride is at home, while the Husband Lord is away; she cherishes His memory, and mourns His absence. She shall meet Him without delay, if she rids herself of duality.
|| 1 || FIRST MEHL: O Nanak, false is the speech of one who acts without loving the Lord. He judges things to be good, only as long as the Lord gives and he receives.
|| 2 || PAUREE: The Lord, who created the creatures, also protects them. I have tasted the food of Ambrosial Nectar, the True Name. I am satisfied and satiated, and my hunger is appeased. The One Lord is pervading in all, but rare are those who realize this. Servant Nanak is enraptured, in the Protection of God.
|| 20 || SHALOK, THIRD MEHL: All the living beings of the world behold the True Guru. One is not liberated by merely seeing Him, unless one contemplates the Word of His Shabad. The filth of ego is not removed, and he does not enshrine love for the Naam. The Lord forgives some, and unites them with Himself; they forsake their duality and sinful ways. O Nanak, some behold the Blessed Vision of the True Guru’s Darshan, with love and affection; conquering their ego, they meet with the Lord.
|| 1 || THIRD MEHL: The foolish, blind clown does not serve the True Guru. In love with duality, he endures terrible suffering, and burning, he cries out in pain. He forgets the Guru, for the sake of mere objects, but they will not come to his rescue in the end. Through the Guru’s Instructions, Nanak has found peace; the Forgiving Lord has forgiven him.
|| 2 || PAUREE: You Yourself, all by Yourself, are the Creator of all. If there were any other, then I would speak of another. The Lord Himself speaks, and causes us to speak; He Himself is pervading the water and the land. The Lord Himself destroys, and the Lord Himself saves. O mind, seek and remain in the Lord’s Sanctuary. Other than the Lord, no one can kill or rejuvenate. O mind, do not be anxious – remain fearless.While standing, sitting, and sleeping, forever and ever, meditate on the Lord’s Name; O servant Nanak, as Gurmukh, you shall attain the Lord. || 21 || 1 || SUDH ||
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