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Do you find the spark in your marriage fading away but hear other couples with many years of marriage behind them talking about their active sex lives?Does it make you wonder what their secret is? Once you are done with the honeymoon period, your sex life could take a backseat, leading to other problems. Avoid falling into this trap by trying out these tricks in your bedroom for a satisfying sex life.

Get intimate

Maintaining intimacy is very important for a married couple, so never miss a chance to get cosy with your partner. Hugs and kisses should be part of your daily routine since physical contact is also a sign of commitment. Flirting with your partner will make them feel more wanted. Be spontaneous.

Plan a steamy session

Happy couples schedule and plan sex! With hectic lifestyles, you need to make time for this too. When you plan to spend quality time with each other, it strengthens your relationship and helps you get intimate with your partner in a better way, without resorting to excuses. Most couples admit that planned sex is a more enjoyable and satisfying experience.

Keep yourself groomed all the time

Couples who take care of their appearance and health always keep up the mojo in the bedroom. Take pride in your fitness levels and pay attention to your clothes and accessories. If you complain of bad health or lack of energy all the time, it will affect your partner’s mood. Even if you are to spend the evening at home, put some make-up on, wear a stunning dress or sexy lingerie and spray a perfume your partner loves.This will not only make you smell good and feel sexy yourself, it will not also make your partner notice you and want you more.

Talk to your partner

Good communication skills are needed for a satisfying sex life too. Understand your partner’s wants and needs, while getting to know how to maximise pleasure for each other. If you often hear excuses from your partner, talking about it might help.Also avoid being critical of each other; this might lead to a fight, which is a mood spoiler.

Be ready to experiment

Predictability in a marriage can kill the relationship, so try to find the right balance between being conservative and adding some adventure to your sex encounters. Familiarity in bed can become boring. Change of location or time can add that much needed spice. Once in a while, try to have the entire house to yourself or get adventurous by opting for a staycation in the city itself or plan an exciting getaway nearby.

Perfect the art of a quickie

A quickie can come to the rescue when things get challenging. Let your mind go back to the time when you had amazing sex and use this fantasy to make a mind-body connection to get into the mood quicker. Once you have perfected this art, a speedy sex session is the most uncomplicated thing to get done when you have the desire but are falling short of time.

Build trust

If you don’t share a good rapport with your partner, it is not easy to trust them in the bedroom. Uneasiness with each other means you can’t reveal your true feelings. Build up trust by doing small things for each other, by being helpful and supportive as and when the need arises. Confiding in each other and being reciprocative can lead to a fruitful sex life.

Settle the kids

If you are married and have children, make sure that they are in bed before you kick-start your own plans for the night. Have a definite schedule for their bedtime. Also, you should inculcate in your kids the habit of knocking on the door for permission before entering. A lock on the door in your bedroom will help avoid embarrassments.

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