Vitamin C is one of the most e f f e c t i v e nutrients for your skin and is known for various benefits. Vitamin C infused in skincare products protects skin from sun damage and harmful rays. This ingredient also helps to smoothen out dark spots for a clearer skin. It helps to boost collagen production, which helps to hold the skin together, making it tighter and brighter. This ingredient also rejuvenates skin, keeping dryness at bay and improving skin’s clarity and glow.
How to get Vitamin C
This vitamin can be included by various fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons to name a few. A medium sized orange has about 70mg of Vitamin C, which is one of the popular sources.Apart from this many Vitamin C skincare products like serums, cream, lotions work great for topical use. It is best to consult a dermatologist for the right dosage. You can also look for facial therapies which infuse Vitamin C for skin lightening and brightening.
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