LONDON (TIP): Researchers have developed a tiny camera that can be clipped to clothes or worn on a necklace, and takes a picture every 30 seconds, allowing users to record their daily lives.
The camera, called Memoto, is billed as “the world’s smallest wearable camera” has become the latest technological hit on Kickstarter, the “crowd funding” website. As well as a five megapixel digital camera, the device will feature a GPS chip to keep track of owners’ locations and automatically log and organize pictures via a specially-created iPhone and Android app, The Telegraph reported. Memoto makers claims the battery will last two days.
“Many fantastic and special moments become blurred together after a while and it feels like life just rushes by, too fast for us to grasp,” said the Swedish start-up behind the project. Memoto makers describe the project as “lifelogging” technology and plans to ship its first finished cameras in February next year.
“The camera and the app work together to give you pictures of every single moment of your life, complete with information on when you took it and where you were,” they said. “The way this works is that the photos are organized into groups of “moments” on a timeline,” they added .
“On the timeline, you are presented with keyframes (about 30 per day) each representing one moment. You can tap a moment to relive it in a stop-motion like video of all the pictures in that moment,” Memoto makers claimed.
“This enables you to not only browse your life the way you remember it, but to search for specific events of your life: who was it that you met at that party or what did the sunset look like in Lapland in June?” they added.
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